How To Deep Clean Blender?

Dirt, grime, and leftover smoothie bits – all the undesirables lurking in your blender after a few uses. Keeping your blender pristine is not only essential for maintaining its performance, but also for ensuring that your delicious concoctions are free from any harmful bacteria. Enter the world of deep cleaning, where we will guide you through a step-by-step process to transform your blender from dingy to dazzling. So roll up your sleeves and let’s dive into the ultimate guide on how to deep clean your blender like a pro!

Preparing Your Blender for Deep Cleaning

Before diving into the deep cleaning process, it’s crucial to prepare your blender properly to ensure both safety and efficiency. This stage involves two essential steps: unplugging the blender and disassembling its parts.

First and foremost, always remember to unplug the blender from the electrical outlet before starting any cleaning process. This step is vital for your safety, as it prevents any accidental activation of the appliance while you’re handling its components. Additionally, unplugging also protects the motor and electronic parts from potential damage due to water or cleaning solutions.

Once you’ve safely unplugged your blender, it’s time to disassemble its parts. Start by removing the pitcher from the base and then carefully unscrew or detach any removable components such as blades, gaskets, lids, and caps. By separating these parts, you’ll be able to access all surfaces that require thorough cleaning. Make sure to consult your blender’s user manual if you’re unsure about how to disassemble specific components; this will help avoid damaging your appliance during the process.

In summary, preparing your blender for deep cleaning involves two critical steps: unplugging it from the power source and disassembling all removable parts. These actions ensure a safe and effective cleaning experience while protecting both you and your appliance from potential harm.

Unplugging the Blender

Before you begin the deep cleaning process, it is essential to unplug the blender from the electrical outlet. This step ensures your safety and prevents any accidents that could occur if the blender were to turn on accidentally while you are cleaning it. Additionally, unplugging the appliance helps protect its internal components from potential damage caused by exposure to water or cleaning solutions.

To unplug the blender, first make sure that the appliance is turned off. Then, firmly grasp the plug – not the cord – and gently pull it out of the wall socket. Always avoid yanking on the cord itself, as this can cause damage to both the cord and your blender’s internal wiring.

Once your blender is unplugged, double-check that there are no remnants of food or liquid near the electrical components or power source. If you notice any spills or debris in these areas, use a dry cloth or paper towel to carefully wipe them clean before proceeding with disassembly and deep cleaning.

By taking these precautions and properly unplugging your blender, you can ensure a safe and effective deep cleaning process without risking injury or damage to your appliance.

Disassembling the Blender Parts

Before starting the deep cleaning process, it is essential to disassemble the blender parts correctly. This will not only make cleaning easier but also ensure that all components are cleaned thoroughly. Follow these steps to disassemble your blender:

  1. Remove the pitcher from the base: Hold onto the handle of the pitcher and twist it counterclockwise (for most blenders) to separate it from the base unit.
  2. Detach the blade assembly: Most blenders have a removable blade assembly at the bottom of the pitcher. To remove it, turn it counterclockwise while holding onto the bottom of the pitcher. Be cautious while handling blades as they can be sharp.
  3. Take off any gaskets or seals: Some blenders feature rubber gaskets or seals around their blades to prevent leaks. Carefully remove these components, taking note of their placement for reassembly later on.
  4. Remove lids and filler caps: If your blender has a lid with a removable filler cap, take both pieces apart for thorough cleaning.
  5. Disassemble any additional components: Some blenders may have extra attachments like tampers, personal blending cups, or food processor bowls. Make sure to disassemble these parts as well if applicable.

Once you have successfully disassembled your blender, you can move on to deep cleaning each component individually. Remember to keep track of all small parts such as screws or clips during this process so that you can easily reassemble your blender after cleaning is complete.

Cleaning the Blender Base

The blender base is an essential part of the appliance that often gets overlooked during regular cleaning. To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your blender, it’s important to give the base a thorough cleaning as well.

Wiping Down the Exterior

Start by using a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down the exterior surface of the blender base. This will help remove any food particles, dust, or residue that may have accumulated on the surface. Make sure to pay close attention to any crevices and hard-to-reach areas where dirt can build up.

For stubborn stains or dried-on food particles, you can use a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Apply this solution with a damp cloth or sponge and gently scrub until the stain is removed. Be sure not to use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads, as these can scratch and damage the surface of your blender base.

Cleaning Control Buttons and Knobs

Control buttons and knobs can be a breeding ground for bacteria if not cleaned regularly. To clean these parts effectively, use a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in warm soapy water. Gently scrub around each button and knob, making sure to get into all crevices and gaps where dirt may be hiding.

If your blender has removable knobs, take them off before cleaning to ensure thoroughness. After scrubbing, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away any remaining soap residue from the buttons and knobs.

It’s crucial not to submerge your blender base in water or put it in the dishwasher when cleaning it – doing so could cause damage to its electrical components.

By maintaining a clean blender base, you’ll not only extend its lifespan but also ensure that your blended creations are free from contaminants that could affect their taste and quality.

Wiping Down the Exterior

To effectively wipe down the exterior of your blender, it is essential to use the right materials and technique. Begin by gathering a clean, damp cloth or sponge and some mild dish soap. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals, as they may damage the surface of your blender.

First, dampen the cloth or sponge with warm water and add a small amount of dish soap. Gently squeeze out any excess water, ensuring that the cloth is not too wet. Next, start wiping down the exterior surfaces of the blender base in a circular motion. Pay close attention to areas where dirt and grime may accumulate, such as around buttons and dials.

If you encounter stubborn stains or residue that does not come off easily with gentle wiping, you can try using a soft toothbrush to gently scrub the affected area. Be cautious not to scratch or damage any part of your blender while doing this.

Once all visible dirt and grime have been removed from the exterior surfaces, rinse your cloth or sponge thoroughly with clean water. Wring out any excess water before wiping down the entire exterior once more to remove any remaining soap residue.

Finally, dry your blender’s exterior with a soft towel or microfiber cloth to prevent streaks and water spots from forming on its surface. Make sure all parts are completely dry before reassembling your blender for future use.

By regularly wiping down the exterior of your blender following these steps, you will help maintain its appearance and ensure it remains free from potentially harmful bacteria buildup.

Cleaning Control Buttons and Knobs

Control buttons and knobs on a blender can accumulate dirt, grime, and food particles over time. To ensure optimal performance and maintain hygiene, it is essential to clean these areas thoroughly. Follow these steps to effectively clean the control buttons and knobs of your blender:

  1. Dampen a microfiber cloth or soft sponge with warm soapy water. Avoid using abrasive materials as they may damage the surface of the buttons and knobs.
  2. Gently wipe down the control buttons and knobs, paying close attention to any crevices where dirt might be hiding. If necessary, use a cotton swab or soft-bristled toothbrush to reach tight spaces.
  3. For stubborn stains or dried-on residue, create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Lightly spritz the solution onto the affected area, then let it sit for 5-10 minutes before wiping away with a damp cloth.
  4. If your blender has removable knobs, take them off by gently pulling them away from the base or following the manufacturer’s instructions. Clean each knob individually by soaking them in warm soapy water for a few minutes before scrubbing with a sponge or soft brush.
  5. After cleaning all buttons and knobs, use a dry microfiber cloth to remove any remaining moisture from these areas. This will prevent moisture from seeping into electrical components that could cause damage or malfunction.
  6. Finally, ensure that all cleaned components are completely dry before reassembling your blender and plugging it back in.

By regularly cleaning control buttons and knobs on your blender, you can help extend its lifespan while maintaining its efficiency and cleanliness for safe use in your kitchen.

Washing the Pitcher

To ensure a thorough deep cleaning of your blender’s pitcher, follow these three key steps: soaking in warm soapy water, scrubbing with a sponge or brush, and rinsing and drying thoroughly.

Soaking in Warm Soapy Water

Begin by filling your sink or a large basin with warm water and adding a few drops of dish soap. Submerge the pitcher in the soapy water, making sure it is completely covered. Allow it to soak for at least 10-15 minutes. This will help loosen any dried-on residue or stubborn stains, making them easier to remove during the scrubbing process.

Scrubbing with a Sponge or Brush

Once the pitcher has soaked for an adequate amount of time, use a non-abrasive sponge or soft-bristled brush to gently scrub its interior and exterior surfaces. Pay close attention to areas where food particles may have become trapped, such as corners and crevices. For hard-to-reach spots inside the pitcher, consider using a bottle brush or an old toothbrush to effectively clean those areas.

Rinsing and Drying Thoroughly

After thoroughly scrubbing the pitcher, rinse it under running water to remove any remaining soap residue. Be sure to rinse both the inside and outside surfaces until all suds are gone. To prevent water spots from forming on your blender’s pitcher, dry it immediately after rinsing. Use a clean towel or microfiber cloth to wipe down both the interior and exterior surfaces until they are completely dry.

By following these steps when washing your blender’s pitcher, you can ensure that it remains clean and free of bacteria buildup while also extending its lifespan. Regular deep cleaning is essential for maintaining optimal performance and ensuring delicious results from your blending creations.

Soaking in Warm Soapy Water

To effectively clean your blender pitcher, it is essential to soak it in warm soapy water. This process will help loosen any stubborn food particles and residue that may be stuck on the interior and exterior surfaces of the pitcher.

Begin by filling your sink or a large container with warm water, ensuring there is enough room for the entire blender pitcher to be submerged. Add a few drops of mild dish soap to create a soapy solution. Gently mix the water to distribute the soap evenly.

Next, place the blender pitcher into the soapy water, making sure it is fully immersed. Allow it to soak for at least 10-15 minutes. For particularly dirty or stained pitchers, consider soaking for up to 30 minutes.

During this time, the warm water and soap will work together to break down any grease, grime, and residue present on your blender pitcher. This soaking process will make it much easier to scrub away these unwanted elements in subsequent steps.

It is important to note that while soaking your blender pitcher in warm soapy water is highly effective for cleaning purposes, you should avoid using excessively hot water or harsh chemicals. These can potentially damage or warp your blender’s components over time. Stick with mild dish soap and warm (not boiling) water for best results.

In summary, soaking your blender pitcher in warm soapy water is a crucial step in deep cleaning your appliance. It helps loosen stubborn food particles and residue while preparing the surface for more thorough scrubbing later on. Be sure to use only mild dish soap and avoid overly hot water or harsh chemicals that could damage your blender’s components.

Scrubbing with a Sponge or Brush

Scrubbing with a sponge or brush is an essential step in deep cleaning your blender’s pitcher. After soaking the pitcher in warm soapy water, it’s time to tackle any remaining residue and grime.

  1. Choose the right tool: Select a non-abrasive sponge or soft-bristled brush that can effectively reach all areas of the pitcher, including corners and crevices. Avoid using steel wool or abrasive scrubbers, as they can scratch the surface of your blender.
  2. Apply dish soap: Apply a small amount of dish soap to your sponge or brush. If you’re dealing with stubborn stains, you may want to use a specialized cleaner designed for removing hard water deposits or mineral buildup.
  3. Scrub thoroughly: Gently scrub all surfaces of the pitcher, paying special attention to areas where residue tends to accumulate, such as around the blade assembly and at the bottom of the pitcher. Use circular motions and apply moderate pressure to remove dirt and stains effectively.
  4. Clean under the blades: If your blender has removable blades, make sure you’ve already removed them for separate cleaning (see “Cleaning Blades and Other Removable Parts”). If not, exercise caution while cleaning under and around fixed blades – use a long-handled brush to reach these areas without risking injury.
  5. Inspect your work: After scrubbing, examine the pitcher closely for any remaining residue or stains. Repeat the process if necessary until you achieve satisfactory results.

Remember that regular maintenance will help prevent residue buildup in your blender, making deep cleaning sessions less frequent and labor-intensive. By incorporating this simple scrubbing routine into your regular kitchen cleaning tasks, you’ll prolong the life of your appliance and ensure consistent blending performance.

Rinsing and Drying Thoroughly

Rinsing and drying thoroughly is a crucial step in the deep cleaning process of your blender. Proper rinsing ensures that all soap and residue are removed, while thorough drying helps prevent any lingering moisture that may lead to mold or unpleasant odors.

To rinse your blender pitcher effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Run warm water over the interior and exterior surfaces of the pitcher. Make sure to get into any crevices or corners where soap may be trapped.
  2. Swirl the water around inside the pitcher to dislodge any remaining soap or debris.
  3. Pour out the water, then repeat steps 1-2 until there are no visible signs of soap or residue.

For drying your blender pitcher, consider these tips:

  1. Use a clean, dry cloth or towel to wipe down both the interior and exterior surfaces of the pitcher.
  2. Pay special attention to areas where water might collect, such as under the handle or around the base.
  3. To speed up air-drying, you can also place the pitcher upside-down on a drying rack, allowing excess water to drip away from it.

When rinsing and drying other removable parts like blades and lids, follow similar steps:

  1. Rinse each part under warm running water until all soap and residue are removed.
  2. Use a cloth or towel to dry each component thoroughly, paying close attention to small crevices where moisture may be trapped.

Remember that proper rinsing and thorough drying are essential for maintaining your blender’s cleanliness and preventing potential issues related to mold growth or unpleasant odors. By following these steps consistently after each deep cleaning session, you will help extend your blender’s lifespan and ensure it remains in optimal working condition.

Cleaning Blades and Other Removable Parts

Cleaning blades and other removable parts of your blender is essential to maintain its performance and ensure the longevity of the appliance. These components often come into direct contact with food, so keeping them clean is crucial for hygiene purposes as well. Follow these steps to effectively clean the blades and other removable parts:

Soaking in Vinegar Solution

  1. Create a vinegar solution by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and warm water in a large container or bowl.
  2. Disassemble the blade assembly and other removable parts, such as gaskets, seals, and lids.
  3. Place the components into the vinegar solution and allow them to soak for 15-20 minutes. The acidity of the vinegar helps break down any food residue, grease, or stains on these parts.

Scrubbing Off Residue and Stains

  1. After soaking, use a soft brush or toothbrush to gently scrub away any remaining residue or stains from the blades and other removable components.
  2. Pay special attention to areas where food particles may be trapped, such as between blade edges or around gaskets.
  3. For stubborn stains or stuck-on debris, you can also use an old toothbrush dipped in baking soda paste (a mixture of baking soda and water) to provide extra cleaning power.

Rinsing and Drying Components

  1. Once all residue has been removed from the blades and other parts, rinse them thoroughly under warm running water to wash away any remaining vinegar solution or cleaning agents.
  2. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to pat dry each component, making sure they are completely dry before reassembling your blender.
  3. If desired, you can also let them air-dry on a dish rack or clean surface for several hours.

By following these steps regularly, you’ll keep your blender’s blades sharp and prevent potential damage caused by buildup of food particles or stains. This will ultimately help maintain the efficiency and lifespan of your appliance.

Soaking in Vinegar Solution

To effectively soak your blender’s blades and other removable parts in a vinegar solution, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the vinegar solution: Mix equal parts of white distilled vinegar and warm water in a large bowl or container. The amount of solution needed will depend on the size of your blender components, but generally, 2 cups of each should suffice.
  2. Detach the blades and removable parts: Carefully remove the blades and any other small components from the pitcher. Be cautious when handling sharp objects to avoid injury.
  3. Submerge the components in the solution: Place all detached parts into the vinegar solution, making sure they are fully submerged. If necessary, use a smaller bowl or cup to weigh down floating pieces.
  4. Soak for at least 30 minutes: Allow the components to soak in the vinegar solution for at least 30 minutes. This will help break down any stubborn residue and stains on your blender’s parts.
  5. Check for remaining residue: After soaking, examine each part for any remaining buildup or stains that may require additional attention during scrubbing.

A vinegar soak is an excellent way to deep clean your blender’s blades and removable parts due to its natural acidity, which helps dissolve mineral deposits, food particles, and bacteria without damaging your appliance’s materials.

Scrubbing Off Residue and Stains

After soaking the blades and other removable parts in a vinegar solution, it’s time to scrub off residue and stains. This step ensures that your blender components are thoroughly cleaned and free from any dirt or food particles.

  1. Choose the right tool: Depending on the material of your blender parts, you may need a soft sponge, nylon brush, or an old toothbrush. For example, if your blender has stainless steel blades, you can use a nylon brush to avoid scratching the surface.
  2. Apply dish soap: Apply a small amount of dish soap to your chosen cleaning tool. Dish soap helps break down grease and grime while being gentle on most surfaces.
  3. Scrub gently but thoroughly: Begin scrubbing each part, paying close attention to crevices and hard-to-reach areas where residue may accumulate. Use circular motions and apply moderate pressure to remove stubborn stains.
  4. Inspect for remaining residue: After scrubbing each component, inspect them closely to ensure all residue and stains have been removed. If necessary, repeat the scrubbing process until you’re satisfied with the cleanliness of each part.
  5. Clean around gaskets and seals: Some blenders have rubber gaskets or seals that can trap food particles or liquids. Use a toothpick or cotton swab dipped in warm soapy water to clean these areas carefully.

Remember that regular deep cleaning will help maintain your blender’s performance and extend its lifespan. By following these steps for scrubbing off residue and stains, you can enjoy smoothies, soups, and other blended treats without worrying about lingering odors or unsightly marks on your appliance’s components.

Rinsing and Drying Components

After thoroughly scrubbing the blades and other removable parts, it is crucial to rinse and dry them properly. This step ensures that all cleaning agents and loosened debris are removed from the components, preventing any residue or unwanted odors.

Start by holding each component under a stream of warm running water. Make sure to rotate and tilt the parts as needed to ensure that all surfaces are rinsed effectively. Use your fingers or a soft cloth to gently wipe away any remaining residue while rinsing.

Once all components have been rinsed, shake off excess water and place them on a clean, dry towel. Allow them to air-dry completely before reassembling the blender. This helps prevent mold and mildew growth, which can occur if moisture remains trapped in crevices or between parts.

For items with hard-to-reach areas, such as blades or gaskets, you can use a hairdryer set on low heat to help speed up the drying process. Be cautious not to overheat the components, as this could cause damage.

In summary, proper rinsing and drying of blender components after cleaning is essential for maintaining their longevity and ensuring optimal performance. By following these steps, you’ll be able to keep your blender clean and ready for use at all times.

Removing Stubborn Stains and Odors

Stubborn stains and odors can sometimes remain even after a thorough cleaning of your blender. To eliminate these, you can use the following methods:

Using Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda is an excellent natural cleaner that can help remove tough stains and neutralize odors. Follow these steps to use baking soda paste for cleaning your blender:

  1. Mix equal parts of baking soda and water to form a thick paste.
  2. Apply the paste to the stained areas of the pitcher, blades, or other removable parts.
  3. Let the paste sit for at least 15 minutes or longer if the stains are particularly stubborn.
  4. Use a soft brush or sponge to scrub away the stains gently.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with warm water to remove all traces of baking soda.
  6. Dry the components completely before reassembling your blender.

Running a Lemon Juice Cycle

Lemon juice is another natural cleaning agent that can effectively remove stains and odors from your blender. It also helps in sanitizing your appliance due to its acidic nature. Here’s how to run a lemon juice cycle:

  1. Fill your blender pitcher about halfway with warm water.
  2. Squeeze the juice from one large lemon (or two small ones) into the water, making sure not to include any seeds.
  3. Place the lid on your blender and run it on low speed for about 30 seconds.
  4. Increase speed gradually until you reach high speed, then continue blending for another 30 seconds.
  5. Turn off your blender and let it sit for approximately 10 minutes so that the lemon juice solution can work on any remaining residues or odors.
  6. Pour out the lemon juice solution and rinse your pitcher thoroughly with warm water.

After using either or both of these methods, you should notice a significant improvement in removing stubborn stains and odors from your blender. Remember to clean your blender regularly to prevent the buildup of residues and keep your appliance in optimal condition.

Using Baking Soda Paste

To effectively remove stubborn stains and odors from your blender, baking soda paste is an excellent solution. This natural cleaning agent works wonders in breaking down residue and eliminating unpleasant smells.

To make a baking soda paste, follow these simple steps:

  1. Mix equal parts baking soda and water: Combine the two ingredients in a small bowl until you achieve a thick, spreadable consistency.
  2. Apply the paste to stained areas: Using a soft cloth or sponge, gently rub the paste onto any discolored or stained parts of the blender pitcher, lid, or other components. Be cautious when applying it to sharp blades to avoid injury.
  3. Allow the paste to sit: Let the baking soda paste work its magic by leaving it on the stains for at least 15-20 minutes. For more stubborn stains, you may need to let it sit for up to an hour.
  4. Scrub away the stains: After allowing enough time for the baking soda paste to penetrate and break down stains, use a sponge or brush (preferably one with non-abrasive bristles) to scrub away any remaining residue.
  5. Rinse thoroughly: Once you’ve finished scrubbing, rinse all components with warm water to remove any leftover baking soda paste.

Baking soda is not only effective in removing tough stains but also helps neutralize lingering odors caused by blending strong-smelling ingredients like garlic or onions. By using this simple yet powerful cleaning method regularly, you can keep your blender looking and smelling fresh while maintaining its optimal performance.

Running a Lemon Juice Cycle

Running a lemon juice cycle is an effective way to remove stubborn stains and odors from your blender. This natural cleaning method helps in breaking down grime, eliminating lingering smells, and restoring the freshness of your appliance. Follow these simple steps to deep clean your blender using lemon juice:

  1. Prepare the lemon juice solution: Squeeze the juice from one or two fresh lemons into a measuring cup, then add an equal amount of water to create a 50/50 solution. Alternatively, you can use store-bought lemon juice if you don’t have fresh lemons on hand.
  2. Fill the pitcher with the solution: Pour the lemon juice mixture into your blender’s pitcher, filling it about halfway. Make sure that the blades are completely submerged in the solution for optimal cleaning results.
  3. Run the blender: Place the lid securely on top of the pitcher and plug in your blender. Turn it on and let it run for about 30 seconds to a minute at medium speed, allowing the lemon juice to work its magic on any stubborn stains or odors.
  4. Let it sit: After running the cycle, turn off your blender and unplug it for safety reasons. Allow the lemon juice mixture to sit in the pitcher for 10-15 minutes so that it can continue breaking down any remaining residue or odor-causing particles.
  5. Scrub if necessary: If there are still visible stains or residues after letting the mixture sit, use a sponge or brush to gently scrub those areas before rinsing out your blender.
  6. Rinse thoroughly: Empty out the lemon juice solution and rinse your pitcher with warm water several times until all traces of both dirt and cleaning agent are gone.
  7. Dry completely: Use a clean towel or air-dry your blender components before reassembling them for storage or use.

By incorporating this easy-to-follow lemon juice cycle into your blender deep cleaning routine, you can effectively tackle stubborn stains and odors while keeping your appliance in top-notch condition.


In conclusion, deep cleaning your blender is an essential task to maintain its performance and ensure the safety of your food. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively clean every component of your blender – from the base and control buttons to the pitcher, blades, and other removable parts. Begin by preparing your blender for a thorough cleaning, unplugging it and disassembling all the parts. Next, focus on wiping down the exterior of the base and cleaning any control buttons or knobs.

When it comes to washing the pitcher, soaking it in warm soapy water will help loosen any residue. Follow this up with a gentle scrub using a sponge or brush before rinsing and drying thoroughly. For blades and other removable parts, a vinegar solution soak can work wonders in breaking down stains and stubborn debris. Afterward, give these components a good scrubbing before rinsing them off and drying them completely.

Lastly, don’t forget those persistent stains and odors that may linger despite your efforts! A baking soda paste can be applied directly to problem areas while running a lemon juice cycle through your blender can help neutralize even the most stubborn smells. With regular deep cleaning sessions following these guidelines, you’ll ensure that your blender remains in top condition for years to come.