how to clean refrigerator with vinegar?

Keeping your refrigerator clean and hygienic is crucial to maintaining the quality and freshness of your food. While there are many cleaning products available in the market, vinegar is a natural and affordable option that can effectively clean and disinfect your fridge without leaving any harmful residues.

In this article, we will guide you through the simple steps on how to clean your refrigerator with vinegar, so you can keep your fridge spotless and healthy for you and your family.

Reasons to Clean Your Refrigerator with Vinegar

Cleaning your refrigerator is an essential task that should be done regularly to maintain proper hygiene and ensure the longevity of your appliance. While there are many cleaning solutions available in the market, using vinegar is a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly option that can effectively clean your refrigerator.

One of the primary reasons to clean your refrigerator with vinegar is for hygiene purposes. A refrigerator is a breeding ground for bacteria, particularly when food spills or leaks occur. These spills can cause unpleasant odors and potentially lead to foodborne illnesses if not cleaned properly. Vinegar has antibacterial properties that can help kill germs and remove any lingering odors.

Another reason to use vinegar as a cleaning solution is that it is cost-effective. Compared to other cleaning products, vinegar is relatively inexpensive and readily available in most households. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive cleaners or hire professional cleaners when you have vinegar on hand.

Lastly, using vinegar as a cleaning solution is also environmentally-friendly. Most commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. Vinegar, on the other hand, is a natural product that does not contain any harmful chemicals or toxins.

In summary, using vinegar as a cleaning solution for your refrigerator has many benefits. It’s cost-effective, environmentally-friendly, and has antibacterial properties that make it an effective cleaner for maintaining good hygiene in your kitchen.


Keeping your refrigerator clean is essential for maintaining good hygiene in your kitchen. The fridge is where you store your perishable foods, and if it’s not cleaned regularly, bacteria can grow and spread to other foods, causing foodborne illnesses. Vinegar is an excellent natural cleaning solution that can help you keep your fridge clean and hygienic.

Vinegar has antibacterial properties that make it an effective cleaner against harmful microorganisms. It can kill up to 99% of bacteria, including E.coli and Salmonella. Using vinegar to clean your fridge will ensure that all the surfaces are sanitized, reducing the risk of contamination.

Regularly cleaning your fridge with vinegar will also prevent unpleasant odors from developing. Food spills and residues can cause foul smells that can be difficult to remove. Vinegar’s acidic nature helps neutralize these odors, leaving your fridge smelling fresh.

In addition to its cleaning power, using vinegar to clean your fridge is also cost-effective. Vinegar is a cheap alternative to commercial cleaning products that often contain harsh chemicals. You can easily make a vinegar solution at home without spending a lot of money.

Moreover, using vinegar as a cleaning solution is also environmentally-friendly. Unlike chemical cleaners, which can harm the environment by releasing toxins into the air or waterways when disposed of improperly, vinegar is harmless and biodegradable.

In conclusion, using vinegar to clean your fridge is an excellent choice for maintaining good hygiene in your kitchen while being cost-effective and environmentally friendly at the same time.


Cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar is not only a cost-effective way to maintain its hygiene, but also an environmentally-friendly option. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that can kill bacteria and eliminate odors without leaving any toxic residue.

Using vinegar instead of commercial cleaning products can save you money in the long run. A bottle of vinegar costs much less than most cleaning sprays, and it can be used for other household chores as well. Moreover, using natural cleaners like vinegar reduces your exposure to harmful chemicals that may cause health problems.

To clean your refrigerator with vinegar, you only need a few basic ingredients that are already available in your kitchen. You can mix equal parts of water and white vinegar to create a cleaning solution that is safe and effective. This solution can be used to clean both the interior and exterior surfaces of your fridge.

By choosing to clean your refrigerator with vinegar, you are not only saving money but also contributing to a sustainable lifestyle. The use of natural cleaners helps reduce waste and pollution caused by chemical-based products, making it an eco-friendly choice.

In conclusion, cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar is an excellent cost-effective option that provides numerous benefits for both you and the environment. Give it a try and see the difference it makes in maintaining the cleanliness of your fridge!


Using vinegar to clean your refrigerator is not only effective and cost-efficient, but it also has a positive impact on the environment. Vinegar is a natural product that does not contain harmful chemicals, making it an eco-friendly cleaning solution.

Unlike other commercial cleaning products that can harm the environment by polluting water sources and releasing toxins into the air, vinegar is biodegradable and non-toxic. It breaks down naturally in the environment without causing any harm to plants or animals.

Additionally, using vinegar as a cleaning solution reduces the amount of plastic waste generated from purchasing multiple cleaning products. By using one natural product for various cleaning tasks, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.

In summary, choosing vinegar as your go-to refrigerator cleaner not only ensures hygiene and saves money but also helps protect the environment. Making small changes in our daily lives can have a significant impact on the world we live in.

How to Clean a Refrigerator with Vinegar

Cleaning a refrigerator is essential to ensure that it remains hygienic and free from unpleasant odors. Using vinegar as a cleaning solution is an effective, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly way to clean your fridge.

To clean the inside of your refrigerator with vinegar, you will need white distilled vinegar, water, a spray bottle, a sponge or cloth, and a towel or cloth for drying. Begin by emptying the fridge of all its contents and removing shelves and drawers. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in the spray bottle. Spray the interior surfaces of the fridge with the vinegar solution and wipe them down with a sponge or cloth. Rinse the interior surfaces with a damp cloth and dry them with a towel or cloth.

To clean the outside of your refrigerator with vinegar, unplug it first. Then mix equal parts of vinegar and water in the spray bottle. Spray the exterior surface of the fridge with the vinegar solution and wipe it down with a sponge or cloth. Rinse off any residue from the exterior surface with a damp cloth and dry it thoroughly with a towel or cloth.

It is important to note that there are other natural cleaning solutions that you can use instead of vinegar such as lemon juice or baking soda. However, if you choose to use these alternatives, be sure to dilute them properly before using them on your fridge.

As for how often you should clean your refrigerator, it depends on how frequently you use it. A general rule of thumb is to clean it at least once every three months. However, if you notice any spills or stains inside your fridge before then, be sure to clean them up immediately.

In conclusion, using vinegar as a cleaning solution for your refrigerator is an effective way to keep it hygienic without harming the environment or breaking the bank.

What You Need

To clean your refrigerator with vinegar, you will need a few supplies to make the process easier and more effective. These items are readily available and inexpensive, making it a cost-effective way to clean your fridge.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • White distilled vinegar: This is the most commonly used type of vinegar for cleaning purposes. It has a high acidity level that helps to break down dirt and grime.
  • Water: You will need water to dilute the vinegar solution.
  • Spray bottle: A spray bottle is an easy way to apply the cleaning solution evenly.
  • Microfiber cloth or sponge: These are gentle on surfaces and absorbent, making them ideal for wiping down the interior of your fridge.
  • Towel or cloth: You will need a dry towel or cloth to wipe away any excess moisture after cleaning.

It’s important to note that you should never use harsh chemicals or abrasive materials when cleaning your refrigerator. These can damage the surfaces and potentially contaminate your food.

By having these items on hand, you’ll be able to easily tackle the task of cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar.

Steps for Cleaning Inside the Fridge

Cleaning the inside of your refrigerator is an important task that should be done regularly to ensure that your food stays fresh and safe for consumption. Using vinegar as a natural cleaning solution can be an effective way to clean your fridge without using harsh chemicals.

Before you start cleaning, make sure to empty all the contents of your fridge. This will make it easier for you to clean every nook and cranny of your refrigerator. Once everything is removed, take out the shelves and drawers so you can clean them separately.

To create a vinegar solution, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle or container. This solution is perfect for wiping down the interior of your fridge because it’s non-toxic and won’t leave any harmful residue.

Using a soft cloth or sponge, wipe down the interior surfaces of your fridge with the vinegar solution. Pay close attention to areas where spills or stains may have occurred. For tough stains, let the solution sit for a few minutes before wiping it away.

Once you’ve cleaned all the surfaces, rinse off any excess vinegar with a damp cloth. Make sure not to leave any standing water in your fridge as this can lead to mold growth.

Finally, dry off all surfaces with a towel or cloth before putting back in all of your food items. By following these simple steps, you’ll have a sparkling clean refrigerator that’s free from harmful chemicals and bacteria.

Remember to clean your fridge at least once every three months or more often if needed. Regular cleaning not only helps keep your food fresh but also extends the lifespan of your refrigerator.

In summary, cleaning the inside of your refrigerator with vinegar is an easy and cost-effective way to maintain good hygiene while also being environmentally friendly. Just remember to empty out all contents, remove shelves and drawers before applying the vinegar solution, rinse thoroughly with water afterwards, and dry everything off before returning food items back inside.

Empty the Fridge

When it comes to cleaning the inside of your refrigerator, one of the first steps is to empty it out completely. This means removing all food items, shelves, and drawers. It may seem like a daunting task, but it’s important to do this in order to thoroughly clean every surface.

Start by taking out all of the food items and placing them in a cooler or another fridge if you have one available. If you don’t have another fridge, try to do this quickly so that your food doesn’t spoil. You can also use this opportunity to check expiration dates and throw away any old or expired items.

Next, remove all shelves and drawers from the refrigerator. You can wash these separately with soap and water or with the vinegar solution that you will be using for the rest of the interior. Make sure to dry them thoroughly before putting them back into the fridge.

Once everything is removed from the fridge, you can begin cleaning the interior with your vinegar solution. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle or bucket. Then, use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe down all surfaces, including walls, ceiling, door seals, and any other crevices where dirt may accumulate.

After wiping down all surfaces with the vinegar solution, rinse everything off with a damp cloth to remove any remaining residue. Finally, dry everything with a towel or cloth before putting back in shelves and drawers.

By following these steps and emptying out your fridge completely before cleaning it with vinegar solution, you can ensure that every surface is cleaned thoroughly for optimal hygiene and freshness.

Remove Shelves and Drawers

When cleaning the inside of your refrigerator with vinegar, it’s important to remove all shelves and drawers for a thorough clean. This allows you to get into every nook and cranny, ensuring that any spills or stains are properly cleaned.

To begin, empty the fridge of all its contents. It’s best to do this when you have time to spare, as it can take a while to properly clean a fridge. Once everything is out, remove the shelves and drawers and place them in a sink filled with warm water and dish soap.

While they soak, mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Using a microfiber cloth or sponge, wipe down the interior of the fridge with the vinegar solution. Be sure to pay special attention to any areas that may have spills or stains.

Once you’ve wiped down the entire interior with vinegar solution, rinse the cloth or sponge in warm water and wipe down the interior again to remove any remaining vinegar residue. Finally, dry everything off with a towel or cloth before replacing the shelves and drawers.

By removing the shelves and drawers when cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar, you’re able to give it a deep clean that will leave it looking and smelling fresh. Plus, it’s an easy way to ensure that every inch of your fridge is clean and free from bacteria or germs.

Mix Vinegar Solution

To clean your refrigerator with vinegar, you need to mix a solution that will help get rid of dirt and bacteria. Vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent because it is acidic and can break down tough stains and residues. Here’s how to mix the vinegar solution:

  1. Get a spray bottle or a bowl where you can mix the solution.
  2. Pour equal parts of water and white vinegar into the container. For instance, if you use one cup of water, add one cup of white vinegar.
  3. Mix the solution thoroughly by shaking the bottle or stirring it with a spoon.

It’s important to note that you should only use white vinegar for cleaning your refrigerator because other types of vinegar like apple cider vinegar may leave behind unwanted odors. Additionally, avoid using undiluted vinegar as it may damage some surfaces in your fridge.

Once you have mixed the solution, you’re ready to start cleaning your refrigerator!

Wipe Interior with Vinegar Solution

When it comes to cleaning the inside of your refrigerator, using a vinegar solution is an effective and natural way to get the job done. Vinegar is a great cleaning agent because it is acidic, which makes it perfect for breaking down dirt and grime. Plus, it’s non-toxic, making it safe to use around food.

To clean the interior of your fridge with vinegar, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Empty the Fridge: Before you start cleaning, take everything out of your fridge. This will give you a clear view of what needs to be cleaned and make it easier to access all areas.
  2. Remove Shelves and Drawers: Take out all shelves and drawers from your fridge. This will allow you to clean them thoroughly and get into all the nooks and crannies.
  3. Mix Vinegar Solution: In a spray bottle or bowl, mix equal parts water and white vinegar. You can also add a few drops of essential oils like lemon or lavender to help mask the strong smell of vinegar.
  4. Wipe Interior with Vinegar Solution: Using a microfiber cloth or sponge, dip it into the vinegar solution and wipe down all surfaces inside your fridge including walls, shelves, drawers, door handles and seals.
  5. Rinse Interior with Damp Cloth: After wiping down with the vinegar solution, rinse off any remaining residue with a damp cloth.
  6. Dry Interior with Towel or Cloth: Finally, dry off all surfaces inside your fridge using a clean towel or cloth.

By following these simple steps regularly (at least once every three months), you can keep your refrigerator clean and hygienic for longer periods while avoiding unpleasant smells caused by bacteria buildup in hidden corners.

In conclusion, using a vinegar solution is an easy way to keep your fridge clean without spending too much money on expensive chemical cleaners that may harm your health or the environment.

Rinse Interior with Damp Cloth

After wiping the interior of the fridge with a vinegar solution, it is important to rinse it with a damp cloth. This will help remove any remaining vinegar residue and prevent it from affecting the taste or smell of your food.

To do this, simply dampen a clean cloth with water and wipe down all surfaces that have been cleaned with the vinegar solution. Make sure to wring out excess water from the cloth to avoid leaving any standing water in the fridge.

It’s important to note that while rinsing with water is necessary after using a vinegar solution, you should avoid using too much water or soaking any electrical components such as the light bulb or thermostat. These areas should be wiped down gently with a damp cloth instead.

Once you have finished rinsing, use a dry towel or cloth to remove any remaining moisture from the interior of the fridge. This will help prevent mold and mildew growth and keep your refrigerator smelling fresh.

By following these simple steps for cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar, you can ensure that your appliance stays hygienic, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly.

Dry Interior with Towel or Cloth

After wiping the interior of the fridge with the vinegar solution, it is important to dry it thoroughly with a towel or cloth. This step ensures that no moisture is left behind which can lead to mold growth and unpleasant odors.

When drying the interior, pay special attention to corners, crevices, and seals as these areas are more prone to moisture buildup. Use a clean and dry cloth or towel to wipe these areas properly.

It is recommended to leave the fridge door open for a few minutes after cleaning and drying to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate completely. This will also help in preventing any musty smell from developing.

Overall, cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar not only helps in maintaining hygiene but also proves to be cost-effective and environmentally-friendly. By following the steps mentioned above and drying the interior properly, you can ensure that your fridge remains clean and fresh for an extended period.

Steps for Cleaning Outside the Fridge

Cleaning the outside of your refrigerator is as important as cleaning the inside, especially if you want to maintain its overall appearance and keep it free from dirt and grime. In this section, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to clean the exterior surface of your fridge using vinegar.

Firstly, unplug your refrigerator from the power source before starting any cleaning process. This ensures your safety and prevents any electrical accidents.

Next, mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to mask the strong smell of vinegar. Shake well to combine.

Spray the exterior surface of your fridge with the vinegar solution. Pay attention to areas that are prone to fingerprints, such as handles and doors. Let it sit for a few minutes to loosen any dirt or grime.

Using a clean microfiber cloth or sponge, wipe down the surface in circular motions. Be sure to clean every nook and cranny, including corners and edges. For tough stains or spots, you can use an old toothbrush dipped in the vinegar solution.

After wiping down all surfaces with vinegar solution, rinse with a damp cloth to remove any leftover residue.

Finally, use a dry towel or cloth to dry off the exterior surface of your refrigerator completely. This prevents water spots from forming on the surface.

In conclusion, cleaning the outside of your refrigerator with vinegar is an effective way to remove dirt and grime while keeping it looking new. With these simple steps, you can maintain its appearance without harming the environment or breaking the bank.

Unplug the Refrigerator

When cleaning the outside of your refrigerator, it is important to unplug it first. This will ensure your safety and prevent any electrical accidents.

To unplug your refrigerator, simply locate the power cord at the back of the fridge and pull it out from the wall socket. Make sure that you do not tug on the cord too hard or damage it in any way.

Once unplugged, you can proceed with cleaning the exterior surface of your fridge using a vinegar solution. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it onto a microfiber cloth or sponge. Gently wipe down the exterior surface of your fridge with the cloth or sponge, making sure to get into all the crevices and corners.

After wiping down with vinegar solution, rinse off any remaining residue with a damp cloth. Finally, dry off the exterior surface with a clean towel or cloth.

By following these simple steps and taking necessary precautions like unplugging your fridge before cleaning, you can effectively clean your refrigerator using vinegar while ensuring safety and preventing any damage to your appliance.

Mix Vinegar Solution

To clean a refrigerator with vinegar, you need to mix a solution of vinegar and water. Vinegar is an effective cleaning agent because it has acetic acid, which can break down dirt, grime, and bacteria. Here’s how to make a vinegar solution for cleaning your fridge:

  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water. For example, if you use one cup of water, use one cup of vinegar.
  • You can add a few drops of essential oils like lemon or lavender to the mixture to give it a pleasant smell.

Once you have your vinegar solution ready, you can start cleaning the interior and exterior surfaces of your fridge.

It’s important to note that undiluted vinegar should not be used on the fridge as it can damage the surfaces.

Using this mixture will save you money compared to buying expensive commercial cleaners. Moreover, it is environmentally-friendly because it does not contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment.

In addition to using vinegar as a cleaning solution for your fridge, there are other natural alternatives such as baking soda and lemon juice that are also effective in removing dirt and bacteria from your refrigerator.

Cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar should be done at least once every three months or more frequently if necessary. This will help maintain hygiene in your fridge and prolong its lifespan.

Overall, mixing a solution of white vinegar and water is an easy and cost-effective way to clean a refrigerator without using harsh chemicals.

Wipe Exterior Surface with Vinegar Solution

When cleaning the exterior surface of your refrigerator, using vinegar as a cleaning solution is an effective and natural option. Vinegar is a powerful disinfectant that can remove dirt, grime, and even fingerprints from the surface of your fridge.

To begin cleaning the exterior surface of your fridge with vinegar, you will need to unplug it and remove any items on top or around it. Then, mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle.

Spray the solution onto the exterior surface of your fridge and use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe away any dirt or grime. Be sure to pay special attention to areas where fingerprints may be present, such as around handles or buttons.

After wiping down the entire exterior surface with the vinegar solution, rinse the cloth or sponge with water and wring out any excess liquid. Use it to wipe down the entire surface again to remove any remaining traces of vinegar.

Finally, dry off the exterior surface with a clean towel or cloth. This will help prevent streaks from forming on the surface of your fridge.

Using vinegar as a cleaning solution for your refrigerator’s exterior surface is not only effective but also environmentally friendly. It is also much cheaper than purchasing specialized cleaning products that may contain harmful chemicals.

Overall, using vinegar to clean both the interior and exterior surfaces of your refrigerator is an easy and cost-effective way to maintain its cleanliness and hygiene.

Rinse Exterior surface with Damp Cloth

When cleaning the exterior surface of your refrigerator with vinegar, it is important to rinse it properly with a damp cloth. This step will ensure that any remaining dirt or grime is removed from the surface.

To rinse the exterior surface of your fridge, first, mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the surface and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, using a clean damp cloth, wipe away the solution and any dirt or grime that has accumulated on the surface.

Make sure to rinse the cloth frequently to avoid spreading any dirt or grime around. Once you have wiped down the entire exterior surface, use a dry towel or cloth to dry it off.

Rinsing with a damp cloth is an important step in cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar as it ensures that all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. By following these simple steps, you can keep your fridge looking and smelling fresh while also being environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Dry Exterior surface with Towel or Cloth

After wiping the exterior surface of your refrigerator with a vinegar solution, it is important to dry it thoroughly with a towel or cloth. This will prevent water spots and streaks from forming on the surface.

Make sure to use a clean towel or cloth that is free of any dirt or debris. You can also use a microfiber cloth, which is designed to absorb moisture quickly and effectively.

Start by gently wiping the surface with the towel or cloth, making sure to remove all excess moisture. Then, go over the surface again with a dry part of the towel or cloth to ensure that it is completely dry.

If you notice any stubborn stains or residue on the exterior of your refrigerator after cleaning it with vinegar, you can try using a baking soda paste to remove them. Simply mix baking soda and water together until you have a thick paste, apply it to the stain, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then wipe it away with a damp cloth.

By following these steps and drying your refrigerator’s exterior properly after cleaning it with vinegar, you can keep your appliance looking clean and shiny for longer periods of time.

Additional Tips

If you’re not a fan of the smell of vinegar, there are other natural cleaning solutions that you can use to clean your refrigerator. Lemon juice is a great alternative to vinegar and it also has antibacterial properties. Baking soda is another natural cleaning solution that can be used to clean your fridge. It’s great for absorbing odors and removing stains.

When it comes to how often you should clean your refrigerator, it’s recommended to do a deep clean every 3-4 months. However, if you notice any spills or stains, it’s best to clean them up right away. This will prevent bacteria from growing and keep your fridge smelling fresh.

Here are some frequently asked questions about cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar:

Q: Can I use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar? A: Yes, you can use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar. However, keep in mind that apple cider vinegar has a stronger smell than white vinegar.

Q: Do I need to rinse my fridge after cleaning it with vinegar? A: Yes, it’s important to rinse your fridge after cleaning it with vinegar. This will remove any residue and prevent the smell of vinegar from lingering.

Q: Can I use a sponge or cloth to clean my fridge? A: Yes, you can use a sponge or cloth to clean your fridge. Just make sure that they are clean and free of any bacteria before using them.

In conclusion, using natural cleaning solutions like vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda is an effective way to keep your refrigerator clean and smelling fresh. By following the steps outlined in this article and keeping up with regular maintenance, you can ensure that your fridge stays hygienic and cost-effective while also being environmentally-friendly.

Other natural cleaning solutions you can use instead of vinegar.

If you don’t have vinegar at home or simply prefer to use other natural cleaning solutions, there are several options available that will help you clean your refrigerator effectively.

One alternative to vinegar is baking soda. Baking soda is an excellent deodorizer and can help eliminate any unpleasant smells in your fridge. To use it, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a quart of warm water and wipe the interior of your fridge with the solution. Rinse with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.

Lemon juice is another option for those who want to avoid using vinegar. Lemon juice has antibacterial properties and can also help remove stains and grime from your fridge. To use it, mix equal parts lemon juice and water in a spray bottle and apply the solution to the interior of your fridge. Wipe down with a damp cloth, rinse, and dry.

Finally, if you’re looking for an all-purpose cleaner that can be used on both the interior and exterior surfaces of your fridge, consider using hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful disinfectant that can kill bacteria and viruses on contact. Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle and apply the solution to your fridge’s surfaces. Wipe down with a damp cloth, rinse, and dry.

It’s important to note that while these natural cleaning solutions are effective at cleaning your refrigerator, they may not be as strong as commercial cleaners or disinfectants. If you’re dealing with particularly stubborn stains or spills, you may need to use something stronger.

In summary, if you don’t have vinegar at home or prefer not to use it for cleaning purposes, there are several other natural cleaning solutions available that will help you keep your refrigerator clean and fresh-smelling. Baking soda, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide are all effective alternatives that can be used in place of vinegar.

How often should you clean your refrigerator?

Cleaning your refrigerator is an essential task that helps to maintain good hygiene and keep your food fresh for longer. But how often should you clean it? The answer depends on several factors, including how frequently you use it, the number of people in your household, and the types of food you store.

As a general rule, it’s recommended to clean your refrigerator at least once every three months. However, if you have a large family or tend to store a lot of perishable items, you may need to clean it more often. Additionally, if you notice any spills or stains inside the fridge, it’s best to clean them up as soon as possible to prevent bacteria growth and odors.

Another factor to consider is the type of food you store in your refrigerator. If you frequently store raw meat or fish, it’s important to clean your fridge more often to prevent cross-contamination and the spread of harmful bacteria. On the other hand, if you mostly store fruits and vegetables that are already washed and packaged, you may be able to go longer between cleanings.

Overall, keeping your refrigerator clean is crucial for maintaining good hygiene and ensuring that your food stays fresh for as long as possible. By cleaning it regularly with vinegar or other natural cleaning solutions, you can save money on expensive chemical cleaners while also being environmentally friendly. So make sure to add “cleaning the fridge” to your regular household chores list!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I use any type of vinegar to clean my refrigerator?

A: Yes, you can use any type of vinegar to clean your refrigerator. However, white distilled vinegar is the most commonly used because it doesn’t leave any residue or odor behind.

Q: Is it safe to use vinegar on the plastic parts of my fridge?

A: Yes, vinegar is safe to use on plastic parts of your fridge. It won’t damage the plastic and will effectively remove any dirt or grime.

Q: How often should I clean my refrigerator with vinegar?

A: It’s recommended to clean your refrigerator with vinegar at least once every three months. However, if you notice any spills or stains, it’s best to clean them up immediately to prevent bacteria growth.

Q: Can I use other natural cleaning solutions instead of vinegar?

A: Yes, there are other natural cleaning solutions that you can use instead of vinegar. For example, lemon juice and baking soda are effective alternatives that also have antibacterial properties.

Q: Do I need to rinse off the vinegar after cleaning?

A: Yes, it’s important to rinse off the vinegar after cleaning your refrigerator. Use a damp cloth to wipe away any excess solution and then dry the surface with a towel or cloth. This will prevent any lingering smell and ensure that no residue is left behind.


Cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar is an effective, affordable, and eco-friendly way to keep it hygienic and well-maintained. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that can kill germs and bacteria without leaving harmful residues or affecting the environment. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily clean both the inside and outside of your fridge using vinegar solution and some basic tools.

Remember to empty your fridge, remove shelves and drawers, mix vinegar solution, wipe interior with vinegar solution, rinse interior with damp cloth, dry interior with towel or cloth for cleaning inside the fridge. Unplug the refrigerator first before wiping exterior surface with vinegar solution then rinse exterior surface with a damp cloth and dry exterior surface with towel or cloth.

In addition to vinegar, there are other natural cleaning solutions you can use to clean your fridge such as baking soda or lemon juice. It is recommended that you clean your refrigerator at least once a month to prevent the buildup of dirt and mold.

Finally, if you have any questions about cleaning your refrigerator with vinegar or any other natural cleaning solutions, be sure to refer to our FAQs section for more information. With these tips in mind, you can keep your refrigerator sparkling clean while also protecting yourself and the environment from harmful chemicals.