how to clean lG tv screen fingerprints?

Get ready to bid farewell to those pesky, smudgy fingerprints that often find their way onto your beloved LG TV screen. No more distractions or unsightly marks as you enjoy your favorite shows and movies! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the best methods and practices for effectively cleaning your LG TV screen, ensuring a crystal-clear viewing experience. With these easy-to-follow steps and expert tips, you’ll be able to restore your screen’s pristine condition in no time—just like it came straight out of the box!

Step 1: Turn Off and Unplug Your LG TV

Before starting the cleaning process, it is crucial to turn off your LG TV and unplug it from the power source. This step is essential for two main reasons:

  1. Safety: Disconnecting your TV from the power source eliminates the risk of electrical shock while handling and touching its components during cleaning.
  2. Protecting Your TV: Turning off the screen makes fingerprints and smudges more visible, ensuring that you can effectively clean every spot without causing any damage.

Remember to wait a few minutes after turning off your TV before proceeding with the cleaning process. This allows any residual heat generated by the device to dissipate, preventing potential damage or injury due to high temperatures.

Safety Precautions Before Cleaning

Before starting the cleaning process, it is essential to take some safety precautions to protect both yourself and your LG TV. First, turn off the television by pressing the power button on the remote control or the TV itself. This step will ensure that you avoid any electrical hazards while working with a damp cloth near electronic components.

Next, unplug your LG TV from the wall outlet or power strip to eliminate any risk of electric shock during cleaning. It is also crucial to give your TV enough time to cool down if it has been in use recently, as heat can make surfaces more susceptible to damage.

Lastly, remove any connected devices such as gaming consoles, soundbars, or streaming devices before cleaning. This action will prevent any accidental damage to these peripherals and provide better access to the screen’s edges and frame when wiping away fingerprints.

Step 2: Gather the Necessary Cleaning Materials

To effectively clean your LG TV screen and remove fingerprints, it is essential to gather the right cleaning materials. Using improper tools or solutions can cause damage to the delicate screen surface. Here are the necessary items you’ll need:

Microfiber Cloth

A microfiber cloth is a must-have item for cleaning your LG TV screen. This type of cloth is specifically designed to be gentle on delicate surfaces and can efficiently pick up dust, dirt, and smudges without leaving behind lint or scratches. Avoid using paper towels, tissues, or other abrasive materials that could harm the screen.

Distilled Water or Screen Cleaner Solution

To safely clean your LG TV screen, use either distilled water or a specialized screen cleaner solution. Distilled water is free from impurities that may be present in tap water and will not leave streaks or residue on the screen. On the other hand, a commercial screen cleaner solution is formulated to be safe for use on electronic screens and can effectively remove fingerprints and smudges.

When choosing a cleaner solution, make sure it’s specifically designed for LCD/LED screens, as some cleaners contain chemicals that can damage these types of displays. Additionally, avoid using alcohol-based cleaners or any abrasive substances that could potentially harm the screen’s surface.

In summary, gathering a microfiber cloth and either distilled water or a suitable screen cleaner solution are crucial steps in ensuring you have the proper materials to clean your LG TV screen without causing damage.

Microfiber Cloth

A microfiber cloth is an essential tool for effectively cleaning your LG TV screen without causing any damage. Microfiber cloths are made from ultra-fine synthetic fibers, which give them excellent absorbency and the ability to pick up dirt, dust, and oils without scratching the delicate surface of your TV screen.

When choosing a microfiber cloth for cleaning your LG TV screen, make sure it is specifically designed for electronics or glass surfaces. Avoid using regular cleaning rags or paper towels, as these can leave scratches or residue on the screen. It’s also important to use a clean, lint-free cloth to prevent spreading dirt and debris across the screen during the cleaning process.

Before you start wiping down your TV screen with a microfiber cloth, gently shake it out or run it through the washer and dryer to remove any loose dust particles that may be trapped in the fibers. This will ensure that you are not inadvertently rubbing these particles against the screen while cleaning.

To maintain the effectiveness of your microfiber cloth, wash it regularly with mild detergent and allow it to air dry. Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach when washing your microfiber cloth, as these can damage its fibers and reduce its effectiveness over time.

In summary, a microfiber cloth is an essential tool for safely removing fingerprints from your LG TV screen without causing any harm to its delicate surface. By using a clean, lint-free cloth designed for electronics or glass surfaces and following proper maintenance guidelines, you can keep your TV looking pristine and free of smudges.

Distilled Water or Screen Cleaner Solution

When it comes to cleaning your LG TV screen, it is crucial to use the appropriate solution. The two most recommended options are distilled water or a screen cleaner solution specifically designed for electronic screens. Using any other type of liquid, such as alcohol, ammonia-based cleaners, or tap water can cause damage to the delicate screen surface.

Distilled water is an excellent choice for cleaning your TV screen because it does not contain any minerals or impurities that could leave residue on the screen. You can find distilled water at most grocery stores and pharmacies.

On the other hand, a screen cleaner solution is specially formulated to remove fingerprints, smudges, and dirt from electronic screens without causing harm. These solutions are usually alcohol-free and ammonia-free, making them safe for use on sensitive screens like those found on LG TVs. Some popular brands of screen cleaner solutions include Screen Mom, WHOOSH!, and Ecomoist.

When selecting a screen cleaner solution for your LG TV, always read the label to ensure that it is safe for use on electronic screens. Avoid using any product that contains harsh chemicals or abrasives that could damage the screen’s delicate surface.

Remember that using the right cleaning solution is essential in maintaining the quality of your LG TV screen and ensuring its longevity. Stick with either distilled water or a commercial screen cleaner solution specifically designed for electronics to keep your TV looking pristine and free from fingerprints.

Step 3: Prepare the Cleaning Solution

To effectively clean your LG TV screen and remove fingerprints, you need to prepare a suitable cleaning solution. There are two main options: mixing distilled water and white vinegar or choosing a commercial screen cleaner.

Mixing Distilled Water and White Vinegar

A homemade cleaning solution can be made using equal parts of distilled water and white vinegar. This mixture is effective at removing fingerprints, smudges, and other residues from the screen without causing damage. It’s important to use distilled water instead of tap water since it doesn’t contain minerals that can leave streaks or residue on the screen.

To prepare the solution, simply mix equal amounts of distilled water and white vinegar in a small spray bottle. For example, you can mix 1/2 cup (120 ml) of each liquid to create a sufficient amount for cleaning your TV screen. Make sure to shake the bottle well before using it to ensure the liquids are thoroughly mixed.

Choosing a Commercial Screen Cleaner

If you prefer not to make your own cleaning solution, there are several commercial screen cleaners available on the market specifically designed for cleaning sensitive electronic screens like those found on TVs, computer monitors, smartphones, and tablets. These products usually come in a spray bottle or pre-moistened wipes format.

When choosing a commercial cleaner, look for one that is alcohol-free and ammonia-free, as these chemicals can damage the sensitive coating on your TV screen. Some popular brands include Screen Mom, WHOOSH!, and Endust for Electronics.

Regardless of whether you choose to make your own cleaning solution or purchase a commercial product, always remember to apply the liquid directly onto the microfiber cloth rather than spraying it onto the screen itself. This will help prevent any excess liquid from seeping into your TV’s internal components and causing damage.

Mixing Distilled Water and White Vinegar

To create a homemade cleaning solution for your LG TV screen, you can mix distilled water and white vinegar. This combination is effective in removing fingerprints and smudges without causing any damage to the screen. Distilled water is preferred over tap water because it does not contain minerals or impurities that could leave streaks or residue on the screen.

To prepare the mixture, follow these steps:

  1. Find a clean spray bottle to hold your cleaning solution.
  2. Mix equal parts of distilled water and white vinegar in the spray bottle. For example, if you are using 1 cup (240 ml) of distilled water, add 1 cup (240 ml) of white vinegar.
  3. Close the spray bottle tightly and shake well to combine the two ingredients.

When using this homemade cleaning solution, remember to never spray it directly onto the TV screen. Instead, dampen a microfiber cloth with the mixture by spraying a small amount onto the cloth itself. This will prevent any liquid from seeping into the edges of your TV screen or damaging internal components.

It’s important to note that while this homemade cleaning solution is safe for most LG TV screens, always consult your TV’s user manual before attempting any cleaning method to ensure compatibility with your specific model.

Choosing a Commercial Screen Cleaner

When selecting a commercial screen cleaner for your LG TV, it’s essential to choose one specifically designed for cleaning delicate screens. Many cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can damage the screen or leave residue behind. Look for a product labeled as safe for use on LCD, LED, and OLED screens.

Here are some tips for choosing the right commercial screen cleaner:

  1. Read the label: Make sure the cleaner is suitable for your specific type of TV screen. Avoid products containing ammonia, alcohol, or other harsh chemicals that could cause damage.
  2. Opt for a reputable brand: Choose a well-known and trusted brand to ensure you’re getting a high-quality product that won’t harm your TV.
  3. Check customer reviews: Browse online reviews to see what other users have experienced with the product. This can help you gauge its effectiveness and safety.
  4. Consider convenience: Some commercial cleaners come in convenient spray bottles or pre-moistened wipes, making them easy to use without having to mix any solutions yourself.
  5. Purchase from an authorized retailer: To guarantee you’re getting an authentic product, buy from an authorized retailer rather than third-party sellers who may offer counterfeit or expired products.

Some popular commercial screen cleaners include:

  • Screen Mom Screen Cleaner Kit
  • WHOOSH! Screen Cleaner
  • EVEO Screen Cleaner Spray

Remember always to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use the cleaner properly and avoid over-saturating your microfiber cloth when applying it to your LG TV screen.

Step 4: Gently Wipe the Screen with a Microfiber Cloth

Gently wiping the screen with a microfiber cloth is crucial to effectively remove fingerprints without causing any damage to your LG TV screen. Microfiber cloths are specifically designed to clean delicate surfaces, as they are soft, non-abrasive, and lint-free.

Proper Technique for Wiping Fingerprints

To ensure you’re cleaning the screen effectively and safely, follow these steps:

  1. Lightly dampen the microfiber cloth with the prepared cleaning solution. Avoid soaking the cloth, as excess liquid can damage your TV screen.
  2. Start at one corner of the screen, gently wiping in a horizontal motion across the surface.
  3. Work your way down the screen using overlapping strokes, ensuring that you cover the entire area.
  4. Fold the cloth as needed to expose a clean section for each pass, which helps prevent smearing dirt or fingerprints back onto the screen.

Remember to always use gentle pressure when wiping; applying too much force can cause damage to your TV’s delicate surface.

Avoiding Pressure on the Screen

LCD and LED screens are sensitive and can be easily damaged if too much pressure is applied during cleaning. To avoid this issue:

  • Use only a soft touch when wiping the screen with a microfiber cloth.
  • Do not press down hard on any specific area of the screen; instead, maintain consistent light pressure throughout.
  • If stubborn fingerprints or smudges remain after initial cleaning attempts, it’s better to repeat steps 1-4 rather than applying more pressure.

By using proper techniques and avoiding excessive pressure on your LG TV screen, you’ll ensure that fingerprints are removed without causing any harm to your device.

Proper Technique for Wiping Fingerprints

To effectively remove fingerprints from your LG TV screen, it is crucial to use the proper technique for wiping. This will help prevent scratches or damage to the delicate screen surface. Follow these steps for a safe and efficient cleaning process:

  1. Hold the microfiber cloth with your thumb and index finger, ensuring that it covers both fingers. This allows you to maintain control over the pressure applied while cleaning.
  2. Begin at one corner of the screen and gently wipe in a horizontal motion across the entire width of the display. Make sure not to apply too much pressure as this may cause damage to the pixels.
  3. Fold the cloth after each pass to expose a clean side before continuing with subsequent wipes. This prevents any dirt or debris picked up during previous passes from scratching or smudging the screen.
  4. Once you have wiped horizontally across the entire screen, move down slightly and repeat this process until you reach the bottom edge of your LG TV display.
  5. If necessary, switch to a clean microfiber cloth or fold it again if it becomes too dirty during this process.
  6. After completing horizontal passes, follow up with vertical passes using the same technique described above – starting from one side of the screen and moving towards the other side while maintaining gentle pressure on your fingers.

By using this proper technique for wiping fingerprints, you will ensure that your LG TV screen remains free from smudges and potential damage caused by abrasive materials or excessive force during cleaning sessions.

Avoiding Pressure on the Screen

Avoiding pressure on the screen is crucial when cleaning your LG TV to prevent any damage or distortion. Excessive force can cause permanent damage to the delicate pixels, leading to a decrease in image quality or even dead pixels.

To avoid applying too much pressure, follow these guidelines:

  1. Hold the microfiber cloth gently: Grasp the cloth with your fingertips rather than clenching it in your fist. This will help you maintain better control and apply less force while wiping.
  2. Wipe in a circular motion: Use gentle, circular motions to clean the screen without pressing down too hard. This technique helps distribute the pressure evenly and minimizes the risk of damaging any specific area of the screen.
  3. Clean one section at a time: Divide the screen into smaller sections and focus on cleaning one section at a time. This approach allows you to concentrate on removing fingerprints without putting unnecessary strain on any single part of the screen.
  4. Avoid using your fingernails or other hard objects: Make sure not to use your fingernails or any other hard objects that might scratch or damage the screen during cleaning.
  5. Monitor your progress: Regularly check for remaining fingerprints and smudges as you clean, adjusting your pressure accordingly if needed.

By following these tips, you can effectively remove fingerprints from your LG TV screen while minimizing the risk of causing any damage due to excessive pressure.

Step 5: Clean the Edges and Frame of the LG TV Screen

After you have successfully removed the fingerprints from the screen, it’s time to clean the edges and frame of your LG TV screen. This is important because dust and grime can accumulate in these areas over time, potentially causing damage or affecting the appearance of your TV.

To clean the edges and frame, use a dry microfiber cloth to gently wipe away any dust or debris. Be sure to reach into all the crevices and corners around the frame for a thorough cleaning. If there are stubborn spots that won’t come off with a dry cloth, you can slightly dampen the cloth with distilled water or screen cleaner solution.

When dealing with tight areas where a microfiber cloth may not be able to reach effectively, consider using cotton swabs. Dip one end of the cotton swab into distilled water or screen cleaner solution, ensuring it is damp but not soaked. Gently clean these tight areas by running the dampened cotton swab along them, being careful not to apply too much pressure.

As you clean the edges and frame of your LG TV screen, be mindful of any buttons, ports, or vents on your television. Avoid getting moisture inside these components as it can cause damage. Use a dry cotton swab or cloth to gently remove dust from these sensitive areas without introducing moisture.

By thoroughly cleaning both the screen and its surrounding components, you’ll maintain a pristine appearance for your LG TV while also protecting it from potential damage caused by dust and dirt buildup.

Using Cotton Swabs to Reach Tight Areas

To effectively clean the edges and frame of your LG TV screen, cotton swabs can be used to reach tight areas that may be difficult to access with a microfiber cloth. These small, versatile tools are perfect for cleaning corners, crevices, and other narrow spaces where fingerprints and dust may accumulate.

First, dip the tip of a cotton swab in the cleaning solution you prepared earlier (either distilled water and white vinegar mixture or a commercial screen cleaner). Be sure not to soak the cotton swab; it should be damp but not dripping wet. Excess liquid can seep into the TV’s internal components and cause damage.

Next, gently rub the dampened cotton swab along the edges of the screen, paying close attention to any areas where fingerprints or smudges are visible. Make sure to clean both the inner edges of the screen and outer frame, as dirt can accumulate in both places. If necessary, use multiple cotton swabs until all tight areas have been thoroughly cleaned.

When wiping with a cotton swab, remember to apply gentle pressure just as you did when using a microfiber cloth on the main part of the screen. This will help prevent scratches or other damage to your LG TV. Additionally, avoid using circular motions when cleaning with a cotton swab; instead, use linear strokes parallel to the edge being cleaned.

Finally, if you notice any streaks or residue left behind after cleaning with a cotton swab, go over these areas again with a clean microfiber cloth. This will ensure that your LG TV screen is spotless and free from any remaining fingerprints or smudges.

Step 6: Let the Screen Dry Completely

Allowing the screen to dry completely is essential in preventing any streaks or residue from forming on your LG TV screen. To ensure a spotless finish, follow these steps:

  1. Leave the screen untouched: After wiping the screen with the cleaning solution, avoid touching it again until it’s fully dry. This will prevent new fingerprints or smudges from appearing and give the cleaning solution time to evaporate.
  2. Air-dry: Letting your TV screen air-dry is the best method for avoiding streaks and residues. Be patient and allow enough time for the moisture to evaporate naturally.
  3. Avoid using heat sources: Do not attempt to speed up the drying process by using heat sources such as hair dryers, heaters, or direct sunlight. Excessive heat can damage your TV screen and cause permanent issues.
  4. Check for even drying: As the screen dries, keep an eye on its surface to ensure that it’s drying evenly without leaving any residue or streaks behind.
  5. Address remaining moisture: If you notice any areas where moisture remains after a reasonable amount of time has passed, gently dab those spots with a clean, dry microfiber cloth to absorb excess liquid.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively prevent streaks and residue while ensuring that your LG TV screen remains in pristine condition after cleaning.

Preventing Streaks and Residue

To prevent streaks and residue on your LG TV screen after cleaning, it’s essential to follow a few simple steps. These steps will ensure that your screen remains clear and free from any unsightly marks.

First, make sure you’re using a clean microfiber cloth. If the cloth is dirty or has been used for other cleaning tasks, it could leave streaks and residue behind. Always use a fresh cloth specifically designated for your TV screen.

When applying the cleaning solution to the microfiber cloth, be sure to lightly dampen the cloth rather than soaking it. Excess liquid can cause streaks as it dries on the screen. Gently wring out any excess liquid before wiping the screen.

As you clean, use gentle, circular motions with the microfiber cloth. This technique helps to evenly distribute the cleaning solution across the screen and prevents streaks from forming. Avoid using any back-and-forth or side-to-side motions, as these can create visible lines on the screen.

When you’ve finished wiping down the entire screen area, take a dry section of the microfiber cloth and gently buff away any remaining moisture. This step is crucial in preventing residue and ensuring a streak-free finish.

Finally, allow your LG TV screen to air dry completely before turning it back on. This gives any remaining moisture time to evaporate, further reducing the risk of streaks or residue appearing on your freshly cleaned screen.

By following these tips for preventing streaks and residue during your LG TV screen cleaning process, you’ll be able to enjoy a crystal-clear viewing experience without any distracting smudges or marks.

Step 7: Reconnect and Turn On Your LG TV

After ensuring that your LG TV screen is clean and free from fingerprints, smudges, or residue, it’s time to reconnect and turn on your TV. Follow these steps carefully to avoid any issues:

  1. Carefully plug in the power cord back into the electrical outlet. Make sure it’s securely connected.
  2. Reattach any other cables or connections you may have removed earlier, such as HDMI cables, audio cables, or USB devices.
  3. Turn on your LG TV using the remote control or the power button located on the TV itself.
  4. Once your TV is powered on, take a moment to inspect the screen for any remaining fingerprints or smudges that may have been missed during the cleaning process. If you notice any lingering marks, repeat Steps 4 and 6 (gently wiping with a microfiber cloth and letting the screen dry) until all traces of fingerprints are gone.
  5. Adjust the brightness and contrast settings of your LG TV if necessary to ensure that picture quality is at its best after cleaning.

By following these steps meticulously, you can enjoy a clean and clear viewing experience on your LG TV without worrying about annoying fingerprints or smudges obstructing your view. Regularly cleaning your TV screen also helps maintain its longevity and performance over time.

Checking for Remaining Fingerprints or Smudges

After reconnecting and turning on your LG TV, it’s essential to check for any remaining fingerprints or smudges on the screen. This step ensures that you have successfully cleaned the screen without leaving any residue.

To do this, carefully examine the screen from different angles and under various lighting conditions. Fingerprints and smudges are often more visible when the TV is off, so make sure to turn it off again if necessary. Additionally, you may want to inspect the screen from a close distance as well as from farther away to identify any spots that you might have missed during cleaning.

If you notice any remaining fingerprints or smudges, simply repeat Step 4 by gently wiping the affected areas with a microfiber cloth dampened with your cleaning solution. Remember to avoid applying too much pressure on the screen while wiping.

In case there are streaks or residue left by the cleaning solution itself, use a clean and dry microfiber cloth to gently buff out these imperfections. Make sure not to rub too hard or use abrasive materials that could damage your TV screen.

By diligently checking for remaining fingerprints or smudges after cleaning your LG TV screen, you can ensure that your television looks pristine and provides an optimal viewing experience.


In conclusion, cleaning your LG TV screen from fingerprints and smudges is essential to maintain its appearance and ensure an optimal viewing experience. By following the outlined steps, you can safely remove these marks without causing any damage to your TV. Start by turning off and unplugging your TV for safety reasons, and then gather the necessary materials, such as a microfiber cloth and distilled water or a screen cleaner solution.

Preparing the right cleaning solution is crucial, whether it’s mixing distilled water with white vinegar or choosing a commercial screen cleaner specifically designed for TV screens. Always remember to use gentle wiping techniques while cleaning the screen with a microfiber cloth, avoiding any pressure that could potentially damage it.

Moreover, don’t forget to clean the edges and frame of your LG TV using cotton swabs for tight areas. Afterward, let the screen dry completely to prevent streaks and residue. Finally, reconnect and turn on your LG TV to check for remaining fingerprints or smudges. With proper care and regular maintenance, you can keep your LG TV in pristine condition while enjoying crystal-clear visuals free of distracting fingerprints and stains.