How To Clean Headlights With WD40?

Are your car headlights cloudy or yellowed, making it difficult for you to see while driving at night? Are you tired of spending money on expensive headlight cleaning products that don’t seem to do the trick? If so, then look no further than your trusty can of WD-40. That’s right, this multi-purpose spray isn’t just for fixing squeaky hinges and loosening bolts. In fact, it can be a surprisingly effective tool for restoring your headlights to their former glory. In this article, we’ll show you how to clean headlights with WD-40, so you can get back on the road with clear and bright headlights in no time.

Reasons for Headlight Cleaning

Headlight cleaning is an essential part of car maintenance that should not be overlooked. There are several reasons why headlights need to be cleaned regularly. One of the most common reasons is oxidation. This occurs when the protective layer on the headlight lens deteriorates, causing the plastic to become cloudy and yellowed over time. Oxidation can also lead to reduced visibility while driving at night, which can be dangerous.

Another reason for headlight cleaning is due to dirt and grime build-up. Over time, dirt and debris from the road can accumulate on the headlight lens, making it difficult to see clearly while driving at night or in inclement weather conditions. This build-up can also cause scratches on the surface of the lens, further reducing visibility.

Regular headlight cleaning is necessary to maintain optimal visibility while driving. It not only improves safety but also enhances the overall appearance of your vehicle. By removing dirt and grime build-up, you can restore your headlights’ clarity and brightness.

In summary, oxidation and dirt/grime build-up are two main reasons why headlights require regular cleaning. Neglecting this essential maintenance task can result in reduced visibility while driving at night or in poor weather conditions, increasing the risk of accidents. Therefore, it’s important to keep your headlights clean and clear for safe driving.


Headlight oxidation is a common problem that many car owners face. Over time, the plastic covering of headlights can become cloudy and yellow due to exposure to the elements such as sunlight, rain, and dust. This oxidation not only makes your car look old and worn out but also reduces the brightness of your headlights, making it difficult to see while driving at night.

Oxidation occurs when the protective coating on your headlights wears off, leaving them exposed to the elements. The UV rays from the sun cause the plastic to break down and turn yellow over time. Additionally, dirt and debris can accumulate on your headlights, further exacerbating the issue.

Fortunately, there are several ways to address headlight oxidation. One effective method is using WD-40. This multipurpose spray has been found to be effective in removing oxidation from plastic surfaces including headlights.

WD-40 is a petroleum-based product that contains a mixture of lubricants and other ingredients such as mineral spirits, corrosion inhibitors, and propellants. It was originally designed for industrial use but has since become popular among homeowners for its versatility in various applications.

To use WD-40 for cleaning headlights, you will need to prepare by gathering supplies such as microfiber towels or a soft cloth and parking your vehicle in a suitable location where you can work comfortably. You should also inspect your headlights beforehand to determine the extent of the oxidation.

Overall, headlight oxidation is an issue that should not be ignored as it affects both the appearance and functionality of your car’s headlights. Fortunately, with products like WD-40 available in the market today along with proper maintenance techniques such as regular cleaning and protective coating application, you can easily restore your car’s headlights to their former glory.

Dirt and Grime Build-up

Dirt and grime build-up is a common problem that affects the headlights of vehicles. Over time, dirt and grime can accumulate on the surface of the headlights, reducing their brightness and clarity. This not only makes it difficult to see while driving at night but also affects the overall appearance of the vehicle.

Dirt and grime build-up can occur due to several reasons. One of the primary reasons is exposure to environmental elements such as dust, mud, and rainwater. These elements contain particles that settle on the surface of the headlights, forming a layer of dirt and grime.

Another reason for dirt and grime build-up is poor maintenance practices. Failure to clean the headlights regularly allows dirt and grime to accumulate over time, making it difficult to remove them using conventional cleaning methods.

To effectively clean dirt and grime from your headlights, you need a powerful cleaning agent that can dissolve these particles without damaging the surface of your headlights. WD-40 is one such product that has been proven effective in removing dirt and grime from headlights.

WD-40 is a multi-purpose product that contains a blend of lubricants, solvents, and other ingredients designed to penetrate tough stains and contaminants. It works by dissolving dirt particles on contact, allowing them to be wiped away easily.

When using WD-40 to clean your headlights, it’s essential first to prepare your vehicle by parking it in a suitable location with adequate lighting. You should also inspect your headlights for any cracks or damage before applying WD-40.

To clean your headlights effectively with WD-40, you should spray a liberal amount onto a clean cloth or microfiber towel. Then rub gently onto the surface of each headlight until all visible signs of dirt and grime are removed.

Once you have cleaned both headlights with WD-40 thoroughly, wipe them down with another clean cloth or microfiber towel until they are dry. This will help prevent water spots and streaks from forming on the surface of your headlights.

In conclusion, dirt and grime build-up on headlights can be a frustrating problem for vehicle owners. However, with the right cleaning agent such as WD-40 and proper maintenance practices, you can keep your headlights looking clean and clear for years to come.

What is WD-40?

WD-40 is a popular lubricant and penetrating oil that has been used for many years to loosen rusted bolts, protect metal surfaces from corrosion, and lubricate moving parts. The initials “WD” stand for “water displacement,” which was the original purpose of the formula when it was first developed in 1953 by the Rocket Chemical Company.

The composition of WD-40 is a trade secret, but it is known to contain a mixture of petroleum-based oils, solvents, and other additives. The exact formula varies depending on the intended use of the product. In addition to its original use as a water displacer, WD-40 can be used for many other purposes such as removing adhesives, cleaning tools and equipment, and even repelling insects.

One popular use for WD-40 is cleaning headlights. Over time, headlights can become cloudy or yellowed due to exposure to sunlight and environmental pollutants. This can reduce their effectiveness at night and make them look unsightly. While there are many products on the market designed specifically for cleaning headlights, some people have found success using WD-40.

It’s important to note that using WD-40 on headlights is not recommended by all car manufacturers or detailing professionals. Some argue that it may damage the plastic lenses or cause them to haze over again quickly. However, if you decide to use WD-40 to clean your headlights, there are some steps you should follow to ensure safety and effectiveness.

In summary, while WD-40 is primarily known as a lubricant and penetrating oil with many uses, it can also be used to clean headlights in certain situations. Its composition includes petroleum-based oils, solvents, and other additives that make it effective for various purposes. However, caution should be exercised when using it on headlights as some experts advise against this practice due to potential risks of damage or hazing.


WD-40 is a versatile and popular multi-use product that has been around for over 60 years. It was first developed in the 1950s by a small company called Rocket Chemical Company, which was trying to create a rust-prevention solvent for the aerospace industry. The name WD-40 stands for “Water Displacement – 40th Attempt,” as it took the company 40 attempts to get the formula right.

The composition of WD-40 includes a mixture of various chemicals, including petroleum distillates, mineral oil, and propane. These chemicals work together to create a powerful lubricant and protectant that can be used on many surfaces.

WD-40 is widely used for its ability to lubricate and protect metal surfaces from rust and corrosion. It can also be used as a cleaner and degreaser because of its ability to dissolve grease, grime, and dirt. Additionally, it can remove adhesives and sticky residue from surfaces.

One of the lesser-known uses of WD-40 is its ability to clean headlights. When headlights become cloudy or discolored due to oxidation or dirt build-up, WD-40 can be an effective solution. Its powerful cleaning properties can help restore clarity to headlights without damaging them.

In conclusion, WD-40 is a multi-purpose product with various uses due to its unique composition of chemicals. Its ability to clean headlights is just one example of how this product can be used beyond its traditional uses as a lubricant and rust-preventative.


WD-40 is a multi-purpose lubricant that has been around for over 60 years. Its uses are diverse, ranging from loosening rusted bolts to preventing squeaky hinges. However, one of the lesser-known uses of WD-40 is cleaning headlights.

When it comes to headlight cleaning, WD-40 can be an effective solution for removing dirt and grime build-up. It works by breaking down the dirt particles and making them easier to wipe away. Additionally, WD-40 can help restore clarity to cloudy or yellowed headlights.

It’s important to note that while WD-40 can be effective in cleaning headlights, it should not be used as a long-term solution. Regular maintenance and protective coatings are necessary to keep headlights in good condition.

Overall, the versatility of WD-40 makes it a useful tool for many household tasks, including headlight cleaning. Just remember to use it as part of a regular maintenance routine rather than relying on it as a sole solution.

How to Clean Headlights with WD-40

Cleaning headlights is an essential part of maintaining the appearance and safety of your vehicle. Over time, headlights can become cloudy and yellow due to oxidation and dirt and grime build-up. This not only affects the appearance of your car but also reduces the amount of light that can shine through, making it difficult to see while driving at night.

One product that you can use to clean your headlights is WD-40. But what exactly is WD-40? It’s a multi-purpose lubricant that has been around since 1953. The name stands for “Water Displacement – 40th Attempt” as it was the 40th attempt by its creator to develop a formula that would displace water from electrical equipment.

WD-40 has a unique composition that includes mineral oil, petroleum-based oil, and other ingredients. Its uses are varied and include lubricating parts, protecting against rust and corrosion, loosening stuck bolts, and even removing adhesive residue.

To clean your headlights with WD-40, you’ll need to gather some supplies such as a microfiber cloth, masking tape, and a bucket of soapy water. Park your vehicle in a suitable location with enough space to work on the headlights without any obstructions.

Before starting the cleaning process, inspect the headlights for any cracks or damage. If there are any cracks or damage present on the headlight lens, it’s best to have them repaired by a professional before attempting to clean them.

Once you’ve inspected the headlights, start by masking off the area around them with masking tape to prevent any accidental scratches or damage while cleaning. Then spray WD-40 onto a microfiber cloth and gently rub it onto the headlight lens in circular motions until all areas are covered evenly.

Next, use another clean microfiber cloth soaked in soapy water to wipe away excess WD-40 from the headlight lens. Rinse thoroughly with water afterward and dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

To maintain clean headlights, it’s important to regularly clean them and apply a protective coating. Regular cleaning can be done using the same method as above, while a protective coating can help prevent future oxidation and dirt build-up. There are several products available in the market that you can use for this purpose.

In conclusion, cleaning your headlights with WD-40 is an easy and effective way to restore their appearance and improve visibility while driving at night. With the right supplies and technique, you can have your headlights looking like new again in no time.


To clean your car’s headlights with WD-40, you must first prepare the necessary supplies and choose a suitable location to do the cleaning.

Gathering the supplies is an important step in preparing to clean your headlights. You will need a can of WD-40, a soft cloth or rag, and some water. It is essential to use a soft cloth so that you don’t scratch the surface of the headlight while cleaning it.

Once you have gathered all the supplies, park your vehicle in a suitable location where you can comfortably work on cleaning the headlights. You should choose an area that is well lit and free from dust or debris that could interfere with your work.

Before starting to clean the headlights, inspect them carefully to determine how dirty they are and whether there are any scratches or cracks on their surface. If there are any cracks or scratches, it may not be possible to restore them using WD-40.

By following these preparation steps carefully, you will be ready to start cleaning your headlights with WD-40 effectively.

Gather Supplies

To clean your car’s headlights with WD-40, you will need a few supplies to get started. These include:

  • A can of WD-40
  • Microfiber towels
  • Water
  • Soap or automotive shampoo

The microfiber towels are essential for cleaning the headlights without causing any damage to the surface. They are gentle and do not scratch the plastic lens.

When choosing a soap or automotive shampoo, make sure it is safe for use on plastic surfaces. Some household cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can cause damage to the headlights.

It is also important to choose a suitable location for cleaning the headlights. You should park your vehicle in a well-lit area and away from direct sunlight. This will ensure that you can see the results of your work clearly and prevent any damage caused by exposure to sunlight.

Gathering all of these supplies before starting the cleaning process will help you complete the task efficiently and effectively.

Park the Vehicle in a Suitable Location

When cleaning your car’s headlights with WD-40, it is important to park the vehicle in a suitable location. This will ensure that you have enough space to work on the headlights without any obstructions or distractions.

Ideally, you should park your car in a well-lit area where there is ample space around it. This will help you see the headlights clearly and avoid any accidents while cleaning them. You may also want to consider parking your car on a flat surface to prevent it from rolling or moving while you are working on the headlights.

In addition, make sure that the area where you are working is well-ventilated. WD-40 can produce fumes that can be harmful if inhaled for prolonged periods of time. If possible, open the windows and doors of your garage or workspace to allow fresh air to circulate.

Lastly, if you are planning to use water during the cleaning process, make sure that there is a nearby water source that you can easily access. This will save you time and effort when rinsing off the headlights after applying WD-40.

By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that you have a safe and effective headlight cleaning experience with WD-40.

Inspect the Headlights

Before proceeding with the cleaning process, it is important to inspect the headlights thoroughly. This will help you identify any damage or scratches on the surface of the headlight lens. If there are any major damages, it is recommended to replace the headlight rather than attempting to clean it.

In addition, it is important to check for any cracks or holes in the headlight housing as this can cause water and moisture to enter, which can further damage the headlight. Also, check for any loose wires or connections that may cause electrical problems.

Inspecting your headlights before cleaning them with WD-40 will ensure that you do not worsen any existing damages and that you achieve optimal results from your cleaning efforts.

Steps to Clean Headlights with WD-40

To clean your car’s headlights with WD-40, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clean the headlights with soap and water: Before using WD-40, it’s important to remove any loose dirt or debris from the surface of the headlight. Use a mild soap and warm water to gently scrub away any grime or build-up.
  2. Dry the headlights thoroughly: Once you’ve cleaned the headlights, use a clean cloth or towel to dry them off completely. Any remaining moisture can interfere with the effectiveness of the WD-40.
  3. Spray WD-40 onto a clean cloth: Instead of spraying WD-40 directly onto the headlight, it’s best to apply it to a soft, clean cloth first. This will help you control how much product you’re using and avoid overspray.
  4. Rub the cloth onto the headlight: Using gentle circular motions, rub the cloth onto the surface of the headlight. Be sure to cover all areas evenly and avoid applying too much pressure.
  5. Wipe away excess product: After applying WD-40 to both headlights, use a separate clean cloth to wipe away any excess product that may be left behind.
  6. Buff out any remaining haze: In some cases, you may notice a slight haze or film on your headlights after using WD-40. To remove this, simply buff out the surface with another clean cloth until it’s clear and smooth again.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your car’s headlights with WD-40 and restore their clarity and brightness. However, keep in mind that regular cleaning is important for maintaining their appearance over time. Additionally, adding a protective coating can help prevent future build-up and oxidation from occurring on your headlights.

Tips for Maintaining Clean Headlights

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your car’s headlights is essential to ensure that they remain functional and clear. Here are some tips for maintaining clean headlights:

  1. Wash your car regularly: Regularly washing your car will help prevent dirt, grime, and debris from building up on your headlights. This will make it easier to clean them when the time comes.
  2. Clean the headlights with a microfiber cloth: When cleaning your headlights, use a microfiber cloth instead of a rough sponge or towel. Microfiber cloths are gentle on the surface of the headlight and won’t scratch or damage it.
  3. Use a proper headlight cleaner: There are many headlight cleaners available in the market that can effectively remove dirt, grime, and oxidation from your headlights. Choose a cleaner that is specifically designed for use on headlights.
  4. Apply a protective coating: Applying a protective coating to your headlights can help prevent future damage and keep them looking clean for longer periods of time. There are many products available in the market that can be used to coat your headlights.
  5. Park in shaded areas: Whenever possible, park your car in shaded areas to protect your headlights from direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause oxidation and damage to the plastic surface of the headlight.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your car’s headlights remain clean and functional for years to come!

Regular Cleaning

To maintain clean and clear headlights, it is important to establish a regular cleaning routine. Regular cleaning will help prevent the build-up of dirt and grime that can cause headlights to become dull and cloudy over time.

One simple method for regular cleaning of headlights is to use a mixture of water and mild soap. Gently scrub the surface of the headlight with a soft-bristled brush or cloth, being careful not to scratch the surface. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry with a clean towel.

Another option for maintaining clean headlights is to use specialized headlight cleaning products that are designed to remove oxidation and restore clarity. These products typically include abrasive compounds that are effective at removing stubborn dirt and grime.

In addition to regular cleaning, applying a protective coating to your headlights can help keep them looking clear and bright for longer periods of time. There are many different types of protective coatings available, including wax-based products, ceramic coatings, and sealants.

When selecting a protective coating for your headlights, be sure to choose one that is specifically designed for automotive applications. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when applying the coating, and be sure to reapply as needed in order to maintain maximum protection.

By establishing a regular cleaning routine and using appropriate protective coatings, you can keep your headlights looking their best for years to come.

Protective Coating

After cleaning your headlights with WD-40, it is essential to apply a protective coating to prevent future damage. A protective coating acts as a barrier between the headlight and external factors such as UV rays, dirt, and debris. It helps to maintain the clarity of the headlight lens and prolongs its lifespan.

There are different types of protective coatings available in the market, such as sealants, waxes, and sprays. When choosing a protective coating for your headlights, consider the level of protection you need and how often you are willing to reapply it.

One popular option is a ceramic coating specifically designed for headlights. Ceramic coatings provide excellent protection against UV rays, oxidation, and other environmental factors that can damage your headlights. They also create a hydrophobic layer that repels water and makes it easier to clean your headlights in the future.

Another option is a clear coat spray designed for automotive use. Clear coat sprays are easy to apply and provide long-lasting protection against UV rays and other environmental factors. However, they may not be as effective as ceramic coatings in repelling water.

Regardless of which protective coating you choose, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when applying it. Generally speaking, you will need to clean your headlights thoroughly before applying the protective coating. Then, using a microfiber cloth or applicator pad, apply an even layer of the coating to each headlight. Allow it to dry completely before driving your vehicle.

In conclusion, applying a protective coating after cleaning your headlights with WD-40 is crucial if you want to maintain their clarity and prolong their lifespan. There are several options available on the market; choose one that best suits your needs and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when applying it.


In conclusion, cleaning your headlights with WD-40 is an effective and affordable way to improve visibility while driving at night. By removing oxidation, dirt, and grime build-up from your headlights, you can ensure that they are shining brightly and providing the necessary illumination for safe driving.

However, it is important to note that regular cleaning and maintenance of your headlights is key to keeping them in top condition. This includes protecting them with a coating to prevent future damage from UV rays and environmental factors.

In summary, by following the guidelines provided in this article on how to clean headlights with WD-40, you can keep your car looking fresh while ensuring maximum efficiency from its lighting system. A little effort goes a long way towards keeping your vehicle in top shape!