How To Clean an Oven with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Are you tired of scrubbing and scraping away at the baked-on grime in your oven? Fear not, for we have a powerful, eco-friendly solution that will make your oven sparkle like new. With just two simple household items—baking soda and vinegar—you can transform your greasy, grimy cooking companion into a gleaming kitchen centerpiece. No more harsh chemicals, no more endless scrubbing, just a safe and natural method that delivers exceptional results. Read on to discover the magic of cleaning an oven with baking soda and vinegar—a dynamic duo set to revolutionize your cleaning routine.

Preparing Your Oven for Cleaning

Before starting the cleaning process, it’s essential to prepare your oven to ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning. This involves gathering the necessary supplies, removing oven racks, and clearing out any loose debris.

Gather Necessary Supplies

To clean your oven with baking soda and vinegar, you’ll need the following items:

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • A spray bottle
  • A bowl or container for mixing the paste
  • A spatula or plastic scraper (optional)
  • Rubber gloves (optional)
  • A damp cloth or sponge

Having all these supplies at hand will help make the cleaning process smoother and more efficient.

Remove Oven Racks and Loose Debris

First, turn off your oven and ensure it is cool before starting. Then, carefully remove the oven racks, as well as any other accessories like pizza stones or temperature probes that may be inside. Set them aside for later cleaning.

Next, use a brush, cloth, or paper towel to sweep away any loose debris from the bottom of the oven. This can include burnt food particles, crumbs, or ash from previous cooking sessions. Removing this debris beforehand will make it easier for the baking soda paste to target stubborn stains and grime during the cleaning process.

Gather Necessary Supplies

Before starting the oven cleaning process, it’s essential to gather all necessary supplies to ensure a smooth and efficient experience. Having everything on hand will save time and make the task much easier. Here is a list of materials you will need:

  1. Baking soda: This common household item serves as a natural cleaning agent, helping to break down grease and grime without harsh chemicals.
  2. White vinegar: Vinegar acts as a natural deodorizer and helps dissolve baking soda residue.
  3. Water: You’ll need water to create the baking soda paste and dampen your cloth or sponge for wiping.
  4. Rubber gloves: Wearing gloves will protect your hands from potential irritation caused by the cleaning agents or debris.
  5. A mixing bowl: A small-to-medium sized bowl is needed to mix the baking soda and water together.
  6. A spatula or brush: Either of these tools can be used to apply the baking soda paste evenly onto the oven’s interior surfaces.
  7. Spray bottle: Fill this with white vinegar for easy application during the cleaning process.
  8. Cloth or sponge: Use either of these items for wiping down your oven after applying the vinegar solution.
  9. Old toothbrush or scrub brush: These are helpful for scrubbing away stubborn stains.

Once you have gathered all of these supplies, you’re ready to move on to the next step: removing oven racks and loose debris in preparation for cleaning with baking soda and vinegar.

Remove Oven Racks and Loose Debris

Before starting the cleaning process, it is essential to remove the oven racks and any loose debris from your oven. This step will ensure a thorough and effective cleaning experience.

  1. Turn off your oven and unplug it: It is crucial to ensure that your oven is completely turned off and disconnected from power to avoid any accidents or electrical issues during the cleaning process.
  2. Allow the oven to cool down: If you have recently used your oven, wait for it to cool down completely before attempting to remove any parts or touch its interior surfaces.
  3. Remove the oven racks: Carefully pull out each rack by sliding them towards you until they are fully removed from the oven. Set them aside as they will be cleaned separately later on in the process.
  4. Remove any loose debris: Use a dry cloth or paper towel to wipe away any crumbs, food particles, or other loose debris from the bottom of your oven. This will make applying the baking soda paste more effective and help prevent unpleasant odors during the cleaning process.

By properly preparing your oven for cleaning, you can ensure a safer and more efficient experience while using natural ingredients like baking soda and vinegar. Remember always to be cautious when handling hot surfaces or electrical appliances.

Creating the Baking Soda Paste

To create an effective baking soda paste for cleaning your oven, follow these simple steps:

Mix Baking Soda and Water

  1. In a small bowl, combine 1/2 cup of baking soda with a few tablespoons of water. You can adjust the amount of water to achieve the desired consistency. Aim for a spreadable paste that is neither too thick nor too runny.
  2. Stir the mixture well until it forms a smooth paste. If needed, add more water or baking soda to reach the ideal consistency.

Apply the Paste to the Oven Interior

  1. Before applying the baking soda paste, make sure your oven is completely cool to avoid any potential burns or accidents.
  2. Using a clean cloth, sponge, or even your fingers (wearing gloves is recommended), spread the paste evenly over the interior surfaces of your oven. Be sure to cover all areas, including corners and crevices where dirt and grease may have accumulated.
  3. Avoid applying the paste on heating elements or any other electrical components inside your oven as this may cause damage or pose safety risks.
  4. Don’t worry if the baking soda turns brown as you apply it; this is normal and indicates that it’s already working to break down stubborn stains and grime.

By creating and applying this baking soda paste, you’re taking an essential step in effectively cleaning your oven without using harsh chemicals. This natural solution will help loosen baked-on food particles and grease, making them easier to remove during subsequent steps in the cleaning process.

Mix Baking Soda and Water

To make an effective baking soda paste for oven cleaning, you will need to combine baking soda and water in the right proportions. Start by measuring out 1/2 cup of baking soda into a small mixing bowl. Gradually add water to the baking soda, stirring continuously to form a thick, spreadable paste. You may need around 3-4 tablespoons of water, but this can vary depending on the consistency you desire.

It is essential that the paste is not too runny or too dry. A good consistency should resemble toothpaste, allowing it to adhere well to the oven surfaces without dripping off. If your mixture becomes too thin, simply add more baking soda until you achieve the desired thickness. Conversely, if it’s too thick, add small amounts of water until it reaches the proper texture.

Once your baking soda paste is ready, you can proceed with applying it to your oven’s interior surfaces for an efficient and eco-friendly cleaning solution. Remember that this step should be done only after completing the necessary preparations outlined in previous sections (gathering supplies and removing oven racks and loose debris).

Apply the Paste to the Oven Interior

To effectively apply the baking soda paste to the oven interior, follow these steps:

  1. Put on gloves: It is essential to protect your hands from grease and grime by wearing a pair of rubber or latex gloves.
  2. Scoop out the paste: Using a spatula or your gloved fingers, scoop out a generous amount of the baking soda paste.
  3. Spread the paste: Gently spread an even layer of the paste over all surfaces inside the oven, avoiding any heating elements. Give extra attention to areas with stubborn stains or heavy grease buildup. The paste should be thick enough to coat all surfaces without dripping off.
  4. Cover corners and crevices: Make sure you reach into all corners, crevices, and edges as these are often where dirt accumulates most. Use an old toothbrush or small brush to apply the paste in hard-to-reach areas.
  5. Avoid applying on knobs and dials: Be cautious not to get any paste on knobs, dials, or other electrical components as this could cause damage.

By following these steps, you will have successfully applied the baking soda paste throughout your oven’s interior. This will allow it to work its magic overnight, breaking down stubborn stains and making it easier for you to clean your oven with minimal effort.

Allowing the Baking Soda Paste to Work Overnight

To achieve the best results in cleaning your oven, it is essential to allow the baking soda paste to work overnight. This step ensures that the paste has enough time to break down stubborn grime and grease effectively.

Close the Oven Door

Once you have applied the baking soda paste to the entire interior of your oven, simply close the oven door. This will prevent any dust or debris from entering your oven while the paste works its magic.

Wait 12-24 Hours

Patience is key when allowing the baking soda paste to work overnight. It is recommended to wait at least 12 hours before proceeding with the next steps of cleaning your oven. However, if possible, allowing the paste to sit for a full 24 hours will provide even better results.

During this waiting period, you may notice that some areas of your oven begin to turn brown or darken. This is a normal occurrence and indicates that the baking soda is reacting with and breaking down built-up grease and grime. The longer you let it sit, the more effective it will be at removing those stubborn stains.

Remember not to use your oven during this time, as doing so may cause damage or create additional messes that can interfere with the cleaning process. By giving ample time for the baking soda paste to work overnight, you’ll be well on your way toward having a sparkling clean oven once again.

Close the Oven Door

To ensure the baking soda paste has ample time to break down stubborn grime and grease, it is essential to close the oven door after applying the paste. This step helps in maintaining an enclosed environment for the cleaning solution to work effectively. Additionally, closing the door prevents any accidental contact with the paste by pets or children.

Before closing the oven door, double-check that all areas inside the oven are covered with baking soda paste, especially those spots with thick layers of grease or burnt-on residue. Make sure not to apply the paste on heating elements or gas burners, as this may damage your appliance.

Once you have confirmed that all necessary areas are coated with baking soda paste, gently close your oven door. It is crucial not to slam or forcefully shut it to avoid dislodging any of the applied paste from its intended position.

With your oven door closed, you can now move on to letting the baking soda mixture work its magic overnight.

Wait 12-24 Hours

Allowing the baking soda paste to sit on the oven surfaces for an extended period is crucial for effective cleaning. It is recommended to wait 12-24 hours before proceeding with the next steps. This waiting period gives the baking soda ample time to break down and loosen the baked-on grime, grease, and food particles.

During this time, the baking soda paste will work its magic by reacting with the dirt and stains in your oven. As a result, it becomes much easier to remove stubborn debris when you wipe down your oven later on.

To ensure optimal results, it’s essential to be patient and resist the temptation to check on your oven or start wiping it down before the recommended time has passed. The longer you wait within this 12-24 hour window, the more effective the cleaning process will be.

While you’re waiting for the baking soda paste to do its job, consider completing other tasks on your cleaning list or taking some time for yourself. Once enough time has passed, you can move forward with cleaning your oven using a vinegar solution.

Cleaning with Vinegar Solution

After allowing the baking soda paste to work its magic overnight, it’s time to use a vinegar solution to help remove any remaining residue. This step is essential in ensuring that your oven is thoroughly cleaned and free of any stubborn grime.

Prepare Vinegar Solution

To create the vinegar solution, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. For example, if you’re using one cup of water, add one cup of white vinegar as well. This solution will be used to dissolve any remaining baking soda residue and help lift away stubborn stains.

Spray Vinegar on Baking Soda Residue

With your vinegar solution prepared, open the oven door and generously spray the entire interior surface where the baking soda paste was applied. The vinegar will react with the baking soda, creating a fizzing action that helps break down any remaining grime.

As you spray the vinegar solution onto the baking soda residue, you may notice some areas producing more fizz than others. This is normal and indicates that there is still some baking soda present in those areas. Be sure to give these spots extra attention when wiping down your oven later on.

Allow the vinegar solution to sit for approximately 5-10 minutes so it can effectively break down any leftover residue. While waiting, you can also spray your oven racks with the same solution to help loosen up any baked-on grime before cleaning them separately.

Once you have allowed enough time for the vinegar solution to work its magic, proceed to wipe down your oven as described in the next section. Remember that combining both baking soda and vinegar in this cleaning process ensures a thorough and eco-friendly way of keeping your oven sparkling clean without resorting to harsh chemicals or store-bought cleaners.

Prepare Vinegar Solution

To prepare the vinegar solution, you will need to mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. For instance, if you use one cup of white vinegar, you should also add one cup of water. This diluted mixture is not only effective at breaking down the baking soda residue but is also gentle on your oven’s surface.

Before mixing the solution, ensure that the spray bottle is clean and free from any previous cleaning agents. This will prevent any unwanted chemical reactions or damage to your oven’s interior. Once you have added the white vinegar and water to the spray bottle, tightly secure its lid and shake it well to thoroughly combine the two ingredients.

The resulting vinegar solution is now ready for use in the next step of cleaning your oven with baking soda and vinegar. Keep in mind that this homemade cleaner can also be used for other household cleaning tasks, such as removing soap scum from bathroom surfaces or tackling grease stains on countertops.

Spray Vinegar on Baking Soda Residue

To effectively remove the baking soda residue from your oven, you’ll need to use a vinegar solution. Vinegar is a natural cleaning agent that reacts with the baking soda, making it easier to remove the grime and residue.

First, prepare a 1:1 mixture of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. This dilution is strong enough to break down the baking soda paste but gentle enough not to damage your oven’s surface. Ensure that you have mixed the solution well before using it.

Next, open your oven and carefully spray the vinegar solution directly onto the dried baking soda paste covering the oven’s interior surfaces. It’s important to ensure that all areas with baking soda residue are sprayed with vinegar for optimal results.

As you spray, you will notice an immediate fizzing reaction between the vinegar and baking soda. This reaction helps dissolve and lift away stubborn dirt, grease, and grime from your oven’s surface.

Allow the vinegar solution to sit on the baking soda residue for 10-15 minutes to maximize its effectiveness. During this time, avoid touching or wiping any surfaces inside your oven as this may interfere with the cleaning process.

After waiting for 10-15 minutes, proceed to wipe down your oven using a damp cloth or sponge as described in subsequent sections of this article. The combination of baking soda and vinegar should make it significantly easier to remove built-up dirt and grime from your oven’s surfaces.

Wiping Down Your Oven

Wiping down your oven is an essential step in the cleaning process to ensure all the baking soda paste and vinegar solution have been removed, leaving you with a sparkling clean oven. This can be done using a damp cloth or sponge to gently wipe away any residue.

To begin, use a damp cloth or sponge to remove the majority of the baking soda paste from your oven’s interior. Be sure to wring out the cloth or sponge frequently in warm water as it becomes saturated with baking soda residue. This will help prevent any streaks or smears on your oven surfaces.

Next, pay close attention to scrubbing away stubborn stains that may still be present after wiping down the oven. For this task, you can use a non-abrasive scrubbing pad or an old toothbrush to gently work at these persistent spots without damaging your oven’s surface. Apply additional baking soda paste if needed and continue scrubbing until all stains are gone.

Remember to also clean the corners and crevices of your oven, as these areas tend to accumulate grime over time. Use a small brush or toothbrush to reach into these tight spaces and loosen any debris before wiping it away with a cloth or sponge.

Once you have successfully removed all traces of baking soda paste and vinegar solution from your oven’s interior, give it one final wipe-down using a clean, damp cloth. This will ensure that no residue is left behind and that your oven is ready for use once again.

By following these steps for wiping down your oven, you’ll be left with a sparkling clean appliance free of grease, grime, and baked-on food particles – all thanks to the power of natural cleaning agents like baking soda and vinegar.

Use a Damp Cloth or Sponge

To effectively wipe down your oven after the baking soda paste has done its job, you’ll need a damp cloth or sponge. This is an essential step in removing the loosened grime and ensuring a clean oven interior.

Start by dampening your cloth or sponge with warm water. Make sure it’s not too wet; you don’t want to create more mess by dripping water all over your kitchen floor. If needed, wring out the excess water from the cloth or sponge before proceeding.

Begin wiping down the oven walls, starting at the top and working your way down. As you remove the baking soda paste, you’ll notice that much of the dirt and grime will come off with it. Be sure to rinse your cloth or sponge frequently in warm water to avoid spreading dirt around and ensure optimal cleaning results.

While wiping down your oven, pay close attention to any corners and crevices where stubborn grime may be hiding. You may need to fold your cloth or sponge into smaller sections to reach these areas effectively.

Once you’ve removed all visible traces of baking soda paste from your oven’s interior surfaces, give them one final wipe with a clean damp cloth or sponge to ensure no residue remains. Remember that leaving any cleaning agent residue behind can cause unpleasant odors during future cooking sessions, so thorough rinsing is crucial for a pristine result.

Scrub Away Stubborn Stains

While the baking soda paste and vinegar solution will help to loosen most of the grime on your oven, there may still be some stubborn stains that require a bit more effort. To effectively remove these persistent spots, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect the oven interior: After wiping down your oven with a damp cloth or sponge, take a close look at its surface to identify any remaining stubborn stains.
  2. Use a non-abrasive scrubber: To avoid scratching your oven’s surface, opt for a non-abrasive scrubber, such as a nylon scrubbing pad or an old toothbrush.
  3. Apply additional baking soda paste: If needed, apply more baking soda paste directly onto the stubborn stain. Allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes to further loosen the grime.
  4. Scrub gently in circular motions: Using your non-abrasive scrubber, gently scrub the stained area in circular motions until you see the stain begin to lift away. Be patient and avoid applying too much pressure, as this can damage your oven’s surface.
  5. Rinse with water: Once you’ve successfully removed the stubborn stain, use a clean damp cloth or sponge to rinse away any remaining baking soda residue.
  6. Repeat as necessary: If you encounter more stubborn stains during your inspection, repeat steps 3-5 until all tough spots are gone.

By taking care of these challenging areas separately from the rest of your oven cleaning process, you’ll ensure that every inch of your appliance is sparkling clean and free from baked-on grime. Remember to always use gentle cleaning tools and products when tackling stubborn stains to maintain the integrity of your oven’s surface.

Cleaning Oven Racks and Other Accessories

To effectively clean your oven racks and other removable accessories, such as a broiler pan or temperature probe, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill a large tub or sink with warm water: Make sure the container is large enough to fully submerge the oven racks and other accessories.
  2. Add dish soap: Add a generous squirt of dish soap to the warm water and mix it well to create a soapy solution.
  3. Soak the oven racks and accessories: Place the oven racks and other accessories into the soapy water, ensuring they are fully submerged. Allow them to soak for at least 30 minutes, or up to several hours for particularly stubborn grime.
  4. Use an old toothbrush or scrub brush: After soaking, use an old toothbrush or scrub brush to gently remove any remaining baked-on food particles or grease from the oven racks and accessories. For particularly stubborn stains, you can also use a non-abrasive scouring pad.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with clean water: Once you’ve removed all debris from the oven racks and accessories, rinse them thoroughly under running water to remove any remaining soap residue.
  6. Dry completely before reassembling: To prevent rusting or damage, be sure to dry your oven racks and other accessories completely before placing them back in your clean oven.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your oven’s interior components are just as clean as its walls and floor, providing you with optimal cooking performance every time you use it.

Soak in Warm Soapy Water

To effectively clean your oven racks and other removable accessories, it is essential to soak them in warm soapy water. This process helps loosen any baked-on grime, grease, and food particles, making it easier to scrub away the dirt.

Begin by filling a large tub or sink with warm water and adding a few squirts of mild dish soap. The size of the container should be big enough to fully submerge the oven racks and other accessories. If you don’t have a suitable container, you can also use your bathtub as an alternative.

Before placing the oven racks into the soapy water, ensure they are cool to touch. Then, gently lower them into the water one at a time, making sure they are completely submerged. You may need to rearrange them occasionally during the soaking process to guarantee that all surfaces come into contact with the soapy water.

Allow your oven racks and accessories to soak for at least 2 hours or even overnight for best results. The longer they soak, the easier it will be to remove stubborn stains and debris.

While soaking alone may not remove all dirt from your oven racks entirely, it significantly softens any hardened residue and makes subsequent scrubbing more effective. After soaking, use a non-abrasive scrub brush or sponge to clean each rack thoroughly, paying special attention to areas with heavy buildup.

Once you have finished cleaning your oven racks and accessories using this method, proceed with rinsing and drying as detailed in the next section of the article.

Rinse and Dry Thoroughly

After soaking the oven racks and other accessories in warm soapy water, it is essential to rinse and dry them thoroughly before placing them back into the oven. Proper rinsing ensures that all soap residue is removed, preventing any unpleasant taste or smell during your next cooking session.

To rinse the oven racks and accessories effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a large tub or sink with clean water: Make sure there is enough water to submerge the racks completely. If you don’t have a tub or sink large enough, you can use a garden hose outdoors.
  2. Submerge the oven racks and accessories in clean water: Gently agitate the items to help remove any remaining soap residue. You may need to change the water and repeat this process if it becomes too soapy.
  3. Inspect each item carefully: Ensure that all soap residue has been removed by visually inspecting each piece. Pay close attention to corners, crevices, and hard-to-reach areas.
  4. Use a soft brush if necessary: If you find stubborn soap residue in certain areas, gently scrub those spots with a soft brush or non-abrasive sponge until they are clean.
  5. Rinse under running water: As an extra precaution, give each item a final rinse under running water to ensure complete removal of any remaining soap residue.

Once you’ve finished rinsing your oven racks and accessories, it’s important to dry them properly:

  1. Shake off excess water: Gently shake each item over the sink or tub to remove as much excess water as possible.
  2. Place items on a clean towel or drying rack: Lay out a clean towel on your countertop or use a drying rack for better air circulation around each item.
  3. Dry thoroughly with another clean towel: Use another clean towel to wipe down each item individually, ensuring they are completely dry before placing them back into your oven.
  4. Allow items to air dry if necessary: If any moisture remains, let the oven racks and accessories air dry for a few hours before reassembling your clean oven.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your oven racks and accessories are completely clean and free of soap residue, ready to be used in your freshly cleaned oven.

Reassembling Your Clean Oven

Once you have thoroughly cleaned your oven’s interior and all its accessories, it is time to reassemble your clean oven. Proper reassembly ensures that your oven functions efficiently and safely. Follow these steps to put everything back in place:

  1. Inspect the oven interior: Before reassembling, double-check the oven’s interior for any leftover residue or missed spots. If necessary, give them a quick wipe down.
  2. Place the clean oven racks back: Carefully slide each clean oven rack into their designated slots within the oven. Make sure they are properly aligned and securely in place.
  3. Reattach any other removable parts: If you removed any additional components such as temperature probes or rotisserie attachments, carefully reattach them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Replace drip pans or foil liners: If you use drip pans or foil liners beneath your burners (for gas ovens) or on the bottom of your electric oven, make sure to replace them with clean ones.
  5. Close the oven door: Once everything is back in place, close the oven door securely.
  6. Test your oven: Turn on your oven and set it to a low temperature (around 200°F/93°C). Allow it to preheat for about 15 minutes to ensure proper functioning and check for any unusual smells or sounds that may indicate an issue with reassembly.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your freshly cleaned oven is ready for use once again. Regular maintenance using baking soda and vinegar will not only keep your appliance looking pristine but also improve its efficiency and extend its lifespan.

Place Cleaned Accessories Back Inside

Once you have successfully cleaned and dried all of your oven’s accessories, such as the oven racks, baking trays, and other removable parts, it is time to reassemble your oven. Carefully placing these items back inside the oven will ensure that your appliance is ready for use again.

To begin, carefully inspect each accessory to make sure it is completely clean and dry. Any remaining residue or moisture can cause unpleasant odors or even damage your oven during use. If necessary, give them a final wipe down with a clean cloth before proceeding.

When placing the oven racks back inside, make sure to align them properly with the designated slots on the sides of the oven. This will ensure they are secure and able to support any dishes you place on them during cooking. Slide each rack into its corresponding slot until it sits evenly within the oven.

Next, return any baking trays or other accessories to their designated storage areas within the oven. Be sure to check your owner’s manual if you are unsure where certain items should be stored, as proper placement is crucial for both safety and efficient operation of your appliance.

Finally, double-check that all accessories are securely in place and that there are no loose parts or debris left behind from cleaning. Close the oven door firmly and switch on the power supply to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

By following these steps for placing cleaned accessories back inside your oven, you can now enjoy cooking in a fresh, clean environment without worrying about lingering odors or residues affecting your meals.


In conclusion, cleaning your oven with baking soda and vinegar is an efficient and eco-friendly method to keep your appliance in top shape. By following the outlined steps, from preparing your oven for cleaning by gathering supplies and removing racks and loose debris, to creating a powerful baking soda paste that effectively tackles grime when left overnight, you are ensuring thorough results. The subsequent use of a vinegar solution helps dissolve any remaining residue, while wiping down the surfaces leaves your oven sparkling clean.

Additionally, this guide highlights the importance of properly cleaning oven racks and other accessories by soaking them in warm soapy water before rinsing and drying thoroughly. Lastly, reassembling your clean oven ensures that you can enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained cooking appliance.

In essence, the combination of baking soda and vinegar serves as an affordable and non-toxic alternative to commercial oven cleaners. By utilizing these natural ingredients along with some elbow grease, you can easily maintain a clean and functional oven without relying on harsh chemicals. So go ahead, follow these simple steps, and savor the satisfaction of a spotless kitchen appliance.